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New Sword


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Here a preview of what been working on. I just finished the mesh and UV maping today. Let me know what you think of it.



EDIT: I posted this quite a while ago to show you a sword I had made, I finally decided to put it in the game so I added scrennies on page 2. A side note if figured out that my texturing skills are no way on par with my modelling skills, but still I'm getting better, slightly


Let me know what you think

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If finished properly, it can be an excellent sword. If you can however, make a few variations of it with different enchants and try for a small questline and lore about the sword. Those kinds of things are fun things to do on a boring afternoon.
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Looks good. I've been trying to learn how to UV map for ages, but I just can't get the hang of it.

Is it going to be a resource, or part of a larger mod?

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No offense but I don't believe it. A rookie with less than 20 posts is posting a sword mesh so advanced that a lot of modders couldn't pull off. I'm not saying it's imposable, I'm just saying that I need more proof.
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looks awesome! Could you put in in a dungeon instead of in a shop? I recommend a black and red texture. The blade itself should be silver. Just an opinion. Nice mesh.



-w2drs21 :smile:

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Exanimis, it could be that he has been working on it for a while, and has only just decided to show people.
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Here a preview of what been working on. I just finished the mesh and UV maping today. Let me know what you think of it.

The biggest issue I see is the poly count. Too many round surfaces. For weapons, you should try to make them under 2,000 tris if possible. You may want to consider using some tricks with the normal maps to get some of those details in, and making curves a bit less gradual.



Other than that, handle looks cool, but blade looks a bit too short.


A rookie with less than 20 posts is posting a sword mesh so advanced that a lot of modders couldn't pull off.

Not everyone feels the need to make posts, and I would guess that this person has had some experience working with models prior to doing anything with Oblivion. No disrespect intended, the model looks more complicated than it would be to make. It would still take a few hours to do, but the cross guard was likely the hardest part. Most everything else is either a manually built face, an extruded (beveled) shape, or an altered primitive.

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No offense but I don't believe it. A rookie with less than 20 posts is posting a sword mesh so advanced that a lot of modders couldn't pull off. I'm not saying it's imposable, I'm just saying that I need more proof.

I don't really take offence to it, how ever you should not judge ones abilities by the number of post they have an a forum, although I sometimes do the same. (By the way you could add roughly a hundred post from my other profile I no longer use). Like VagrantO said, I've been useing this program and modeling much longer than I've been trying to do anything with oblivion.

As far as the curved surfaces, the setting I have my program to render on at the moment makes it look smoother than it might be. If anyone still has doubts that I actually made this sword I can post pictures of other views and screen shots of the program with work in it.

Thanks for all the compliments and sujestions. This will be a part of a mod I am planning on making. It will be a claymore, and is roughly the right size.



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I didn't mean to come across as the bad guy here. Most people when they start posting, have no clue what it takes to mod. I know I didn't have a clue when I first started posting. I guess it's my suspicious nature that makes me suspect somethings up when people post this type of thing. I do like the sword but like Vagrant, I too thought that the poly count for it would be much too high to use ingame. It may be the angle of the screenshot that is making the blade seem a little short but the modeling itself is excellent. What program do you use? the screenshot looks like it is a nifsKope shot to me.
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I use cinema 4d, many default renders in 3d programs render with black backgrounds. At the moment the bade has a slightly high poly count due to one on the methods I used to get the cutouts at the base, I will fix this, the rest isn't that high, I have been doing my best to keep it low and not overuse sub-divides. as far as the length goes it is just a bit shorter than the daedric claymore.



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