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Installing Two Instances of Skyrim for Different Versions?


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Hello there,


I'm currently doing a playthrough of Skyrim with a friend using Skyrim Together Reborn, and it works just fine, but STR is only available for 1.6.x, and when I want to play solo, I prefer to play on 1.5.97; now of course, those are two completely different versions, and mods from one most likely won't work on the other; I'm aware I can use profiles to separate my solo playthrough from my co-op playthrough, but that unfortunately doesn't affect the version of the game, just the mods, so I'm looking for a way to have two instances of Skyrim installed in which one instance is 1.6.640, and the other is 1.5.97, is there any way to do this while still allowing them both to launch through Steam?


Bonus points if I can change the install directory of mods through Vortex depending on the profile I select so I don't have to do that manually.



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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it working; I reinstalled Skyrim thrice in the past 24 hours trying to make it work, but I've lost motivation for it now; it's most likely user error that stopped it from working, but that's all I've got in me for now.


Anyway, I appreciate the suggestion, for a while there it looked like it was going to work.

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