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A mod that blacks out the map until you explore the area?


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I tried to look this up but havnt found one, could someone make a mod that blacks out the whole map and only reveals what you walk over (and maybe a 50 feet and left right or something)? I'm not sure what this type of map is called.

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Heyas Aakla.

Essentially what you are wanting, is very similar to what happens when you aim through scopes. The game adds what is called an overlay, to your screen. Which adds the blackened boarders around the edges of the screen, the scope retical/crosshairs, and the blur effect around the scope face.

What you would want, would essentially be an entirely blacked out layer, with a transparency in the very center.


I do not however, know if the map functions support the use of overlays or not. :ohmy: :confused:

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