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How to know which spell is being cast?

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Is there a way to get which spell is currently being cast? And not just which spell is equipped, because I want make it so that activating an ayleid well or using welkstone causes an if statement to run in an object script.


Something like this for eg


If player.IsCasting fingerofthemountain == 1

Set etc, etc to etc, etc



I know IsCasting only returns whether reference is casting or not, I want to return when the actor cast a specific spell.

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For some reason determining a caster is extremely difficult in Oblivion (at least for me). However I can offer at least another way: if you want determine if Ayleid Well was hit by a spell and this spell was cast by a player, I created a script as additional script effect. It will show a message, if these two conditions were met.

scn WellTestEffectScript
ref target
ref target2
ref source
int count
int size
array_var caster

begin ScriptEffectStart
	set target to GetSelf
	if target != 0
		let target2 := target.GetBaseObject
		if target2 == ARWellGrate01
			let count := target.GetActiveEffectCount
			if count > 0
				let size := ar_Size caster
				if size == -1 
					let caster := ar_Construct Array
				let caster := target.GetActiveEffectCasters
				let size := ar_Size caster
				if size > 0
					set count to 0
					while count < size
						let source := caster[count]
						if source == player
							Message "Ayleid Well was hit by player."
						set count to count + 1
					ar_Resize caster 0
				let caster := ar_Null

Aim for active part in the center of well. Unfortunately you need OBSE, I couldn't find another approach.

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GamerRick and RomanR both of your suggestions involves quest scripts and separate function scripts. I was hoping that everything could have been done in one object script, but it looks like that is the route I would eventually have to take to make the mod I want to make in the future, but I would rather not do that at this point. Thanks for your suggestion though and your script RomanR might be useful another future mod.



This is the script attached to an amulet, it is in effect a magicka battery that stores up to 100 points of magicka, it replenishes the wearers magicka almost instantly from what it has stored. It recharges itself only after the wearers magicka pool is full, then it begins to recharge as fast as the wearers own magicka regeneration rate. This is to emulate the amulet recharging off of the wearers excess magicka. Hovering the cursor over the amulet shows the capacity of the amulet while holding down shift and hovering over it shows the recharge rate per seconds. I wanted to have using a welkynd stone or using ayleid well to fully replenish it along with the player.

ScriptName MagesAmulet

ref user
float maxmag
float curmag
float regen
Float rgtimer
float charge
float recharge
float rctimer
float will
float udtimer
short fulldoonce

Begin onequip
	Set user to GetContainer
	Set charge to 0
	set regen to 2
	set maxmag to user.GetBaseActorValue Magicka
	set will to user.GetActorValue Willpower
	set recharge to 0.01 * ((.02 * Will) + .75) * maxmag

begin MenuMode 1002
if IsKeyPressed3 42 && GetActiveMenuSelection == MageAmulet
	message " Amulet regeneration rate %.0f per sec " recharge  2
elseif GetActiveMenuSelection == MageAmulet
	 message " Amulet charge %.0f/100 " charge  1
	;set regen to 1

Begin GameMode
set regen to 1
set udtimer to udtimer + GetSecondsPassed	
if udtimer > 5		
	set maxmag to user.GetBaseActorValue Magicka
	set will to user.GetActorValue Willpower
	set recharge to 0.01 * ((.02 * Will) + .75) * maxmag
	set udtimer to 0
set curmag to user.GetActorValue Magic
if curmag < maxmag
	if charge < 0
		message " Amulet is empty" 1	
		set charge to 0
	if charge > 0
		set rgtimer to rgtimer + GetSecondsPassed
		if rgtimer > 0.1
			set charge to charge -regen
			user.ModActorValue2 magicka regen
				set rgtimer to 0
				set fulldoonce to 0
elseif charge < 100
	;message " Recharging " 1		
		set rctimer to rctimer + GetSecondsPassed
		if rctimer > 1
			set charge to charge + recharge
		set rctimer to 0
	elseif  fulldoonce == 0		
			message " Amulet is full" 2
			set fulldoonce to 1
Edited by RogerRed
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So you want use the fact that Ayleid Well is forcing to cast player a spell as a sign of successful power draw? I think you can use IsSpellTarget function as the player will be affected by it for a while.

For example:

if user.IsSpellTarget AyleidPower != 0 && power_drawed == 0
   set power_drawed to 1

Edit: Propably most easy will be to edit the AyleidWell script, the part in which Player.Cast AyleidPower Player command is used. But it can bring problems if another mod edits this script too.

Edited by RomanR
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