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Is Common Sense Dead?


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Are we losing our touch with common sense? It just seems like as I read the news, and look at the world, common sense is going the way of the dodo, replaced with constant fear, removal of blame and zero tolerance.



So very true and is exactly how our government uses the media to justify their obscene corruption - blaming and punishing the poorest people for the country's triple-dip recession (we are in it even if you read we aren't) for their errors. It's the richest people and bankers who squandered all the money, so their reaction is to pick on the working class, the disabled, the unemployed by using dirty tricks to steal what little money they have to "reward hard-working people who make the right choices" INCLUDING themselves, the bankers and corporate giants.


Rich or poor there is no excuse for this behaviour and knowing that is common sense.


Having said that too many people are totally ignorant to the reality of the situation and will only make their judgements from what they are told through the media (news) with stories demonizing those on benefits as skinny criminal work-shy drug addicts with 15 babies, but having seen this first-hand I know it's utter bullshit and this labelling is PURPOSEFULLY there to make them look bad so that when they do have there income unfairly ripped away then it makes the government look good and others wont feel sorry for "scroungers".


So there you in a nutshell - ignorance, fear, and lack of common sense are driving force of british politics today and I have no doubt that even some of you reading this have already fallen for it.

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Seems the further up the food chain of command you are, the less sense you have. Just look at what our government likes to call 'solutions' to some of our problems. That should tell you right there that they have absolutely zero common sense. (I am referring the the US govt, in cast that wasn't clear.)


The reason bureaucrats don't display any common sense is because they are too busy covering their own butts. They won't go out on a limb on any decision. They will just send it up the ladder for people up there to spin it into something less potent so it won't effect their chances of getting elected.


Less potent = less effective = watered down version of something the politicians can get around, since they are the ones who make the laws, see how the laws are worded, and can add a poison pill into any legislation so they will have the legal justification for ignoring it, if that is in their best interest.


Now, ask yourself. What is common sense?

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If you're using politicians as an example for lack of common sense, its not a very good example. Most of them are the way they are because they believe the population is really that dumb. And for the most part, they're right to assume that. The average IQ in the USA isn't even in the triple digits anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Voltaire was right about "Common Sense not being so common". It usually has to do with people not thinking about the consequences of their actions before acting, and considering only "I" rather than "We" in how one proceeds to action. Best example for me being the person who sees someone going 75 mph in a 70 mph speed zone, and who is only 500 feet from the turn off he and the person going 75 mph are both going to, and decides, because he thinks the other person is a slow poke, to pass and pull in front of the person going 75 mph before braking to turn off, almost causing the other person to rear-end them. The safe thing would have been to remain behind the 75 mph in 70 mph zone person and pull off into the turn off lane behind the other person, for that pass and pull in front of stunt may have saved a full two seconds of travel time. I see this stunt daily, which, to me, proves common sense is all to rare.

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Common sense? Situation ethics is the problem and subjectivism. People will justify behavior based upon whatever they want to do, without rules or ethics involved. I do know if I walk on ice I will most likely find myself looking up at the sky! ROFL


A list of common sense items for your laughter:


Do not touch hot items.


Do not walk in front of a moving vehicle.


Do not walk off the edge of a cliff.


Do not walk into doors.


Do not pour water on burning grease.


Do not rob a bank.


Do not speed in an enforcement zone.


Do not hit your thumb purposely with a hammer.


Most of all,

Do not walk about nude in public, because you never know what kind of weather to expect! LOL



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