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How to replace powerattack/hit voice of breton female race?


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Could anyone please tell me what exactly i should do to replace my female breton character's powerattack/hit voices with custom sounds? I've tried browsing in voices2.bsa to know the names, then placing the custom sound file (mp3) in the same path with the exact name of the sound i want replaced. But it doesn't play ingame. Is their anything else i should do like placing .lip files or editing esp's or anything like that?

I know bretons use the same voice as imperials so i tried placing my file in the same path(imperial/f )with the exact same name as the one in the bsa.

Edited by severr
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I think there is another way.... do i need to place lip file or something? Right now since i have placed the custom file in the place the game plays neither the old one NOR the new custom one so some times when my character gets hit she doesn't make any noise. Get the picture? So apparently it is trying to play the new custom sound but for some reason it cant. Maybe its because i havn't placed the lip file for it or maybe there are some restrictions regarding the sound file that can be used...?

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Have you given the new file the same name as the old one? That sometimes helps as the game will be looking for the file in the same path. It could also be that as your new file isn't recognised as an official bethesda file, the game may not play it unless it is activated in a mod.

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Not a sound guy myself ... just trying to remember what I've read here. I wouldn't suggest dropping to 8, as that may not be supported either. 16 mono is what sticks in my head (usually pretty good at remembering something I've read).

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