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im quite sure that there are lots of people who dont do that by choice, some really have some health issues which make em grow wiiide or slim (even tho with most its just a mental thing) and this lil brat really makes a joke out of them and their lives... i dunno but a lil bit of censorship would be ok in that case i guess... and a 14yr old encouraging others to suicide should be silenced imo...

this is true. I'm happy with the way I look. I excercise regularly too. She doesn't understand or comprehend that what shes doing is killing her and for what. To fit a mold, a stereo type!!!. Its a pity that anyone treats their body and their families to such a self destructive way.

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i'm all for thin females as long as it's not dragging off the bones. no reason to have a relationship with a skeleton in my opinion.

I wish i could help the ones who are doing it by disease but there are a few tards out there who do it by choice. insecure of their weight to the point they are willing to put their physical health at extreme risk just to fit a better mental image of what they think they should look like.


Before i joined the military, i was kind of a jellyroll myself. my little brother and i ate junk food more than an etheopian child would at a thanksgiving dinner. Problem was my little brothers metabolism was kickass..while mine was just ass..

I didn't really have a drive back then either. go to school,come home,throw my homework next to the pile of other stuff i'd always forget about,jump(ever so slightly(damn you gravity!) onto my bed and watch some dragonball z while chompin on snicker bars and twizzlers.I didn't notice how bad it had become until i woke up one day and tried to get up and it felt like someone had put a brick on my stomach.. it was one of those "wtf! when this this happen!?..i'm a fat guy!" things...so i started carrying my lard ass across the yard every day.doing sprints followed eventually by short jogs and once my metabolism kicked in i started droppin weight. i noticed my metabolism wasn't as bad as i thought, i just had to apply it.


Couple months later my mom says "wow.. you look like you just left the marines" and this light pops up in my head..next thing you know my parents are crying,wishing they had said something else as they watch me leave for the nearest marine corps recruit depot.


Summary of the story is...if it's by disease and you literally cannot help it. i feel sorry for you and wish you the best.. if it's by choice and your sticking your arm halfway down your intestine so you don't gain weight...BUY A TREADMILL YOU LAZY BASTARDS!... starving yourself will NOT make you any healthier than gaining weight!

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What else can be said, Americans are just totally screwed up when it comes to food. Some of us cram excessive amounts of


There are fat and anorexic people in every industrialized nation. Throwing out this American crap needs to stop.

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There are fat and anorexic people in every industrialized nation. Throwing out this American crap needs to stop.

Off Topic: Scotland is the second most obese country behind America. Out national dish is Irn Bru and a deep-fried Mars Bar (just forget about whisky and haggis). And yet you never hear about fat Scotish people. It's always fat Americans.

On Topic: Dezi, I agree with you totaly.

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I never have and never will condone self-induced anorexia. Mind you, I speak as someone who suffered from it in my younger years, albeit I didn't actively force myself not to eat. Family issues got in the way and I lost the will to eat and pretty much threw away my sense of self-preservation.

Then I got a boyfriend and now I'm called 'fat' by models (and I'm only 67kg! Bah, I say!).


Unfortunately, anorexia isn't just about girls wanting to be thin (although that does speak for the vast majority of those suffering the disease). Some people go through very traumatic experiences, like child abuse, rape, and hell, even watching their parents getting divorced can trigger horrid mental states, and people just... don't eat. They're the opposite of those who eat to seek comfort. I feel a deep sense of sympathy for these people, having been where they are. But it's the stupid teenyboppers I see shoving fingers down their throats because they're not super thin that sicken me. I cannot for the life of me understand why people would put themselves through it.


Yeah, that's just my two cents.

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Hmmm....I think maybe some are missing a point.


Despite our focus on the physical manifestations of anorexia we must remember that first and foremost this is a psycological illness. True anorexia is more than a teenage drama queen sticking a tooth brush down her gullet in the bathroom with her friends.


In the US diagnosis medical and psychological are defined in the DSMIV. It defines anorexia nervosa as this:


There are four basic criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa that are characteristic:


The refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height. Body weight less than 85% of the expected weight is considered minimal.



An intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though the person is underweight.



Self-perception that is grossly distorted and weight loss that is not acknowledged.



In women who have already begun their menstrual cycle, at least three consecutive periods are missed (amenorrhea), or menstrual periods occur only after a hormone is administered.

The DSM-IV further identifies two subtypes of anorexia nervosa. In the binge-eating/purging type, the individual regularly engages in binge eating or purging behavior which involves self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas during the current episode of anorexia. In the restricting type, the individual severely restricts food intake but does not engage in the behaviors seen in the binge eating type




So see in the line "self-perception that is grossly disorted..." people with true anorexia look in the mirror and DO NOT SEE the same thing as everyone else. It isn't just a minor unrealistic body type image issue. It is a psychological disease. And to me....I do not care how it manifested. If it is from trama or a dumb pre-teen that wanted to look like freaking Barbie...I feel for these people just as I feel for addicts, cutters or anyone else with medical or psychological issues. And all those dumb teenyboppers...yeah I feel for them also because what kind of F-ed up world is it that even makes a young person think this is a good idea? Yes it is a choice and ultimately all need to be accountable for their decisions, but my heart goes to them and hopes that one day we will not judge by the color of our skin, or the size of our waist but by the content of our characters. My two cents is there is far too much uncaring in the world. A little empathy and attempts at understanding never hurt anything.

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That's why I was making the point, 'People are too harsh on people with it, and don't understand that it's a mental illness as well as a massive physical impact on the body.' I've talked to several people on the issue, and sadly, I'd estimate that 97% of those people are dead set on believing that anorexia is caused by teenage drama queens. Those who don't really put any thought into it are often mistaken.


It's not just their self-perception of weight. As I said before, there are outside influences that can cause it (like in my own case). I had no desire to be thin, but nor did I have a desire to eat. I became anorexic because of it.

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There are fat and anorexic people in every industrialized nation. Throwing out this American crap needs to stop.

Off Topic: Scotland is the second most obese country behind America. Out national dish is Irn Bru and a deep-fried Mars Bar (just forget about whisky and haggis). And yet you never hear about fat Scotish people. It's always fat Americans.

We over eat because we're England's "female dog" and it's depressing.


:sigh: We need independence...




On topic:


Gah, I seriously hope that girl's parents find out about her problem so she can get help, and if they already know and don't care, I hope social services find out. :verymad:

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That's why I was making the point, 'People are too harsh on people with it, and don't understand that it's a mental illness as well as a massive physical impact on the body.' I've talked to several people on the issue, and sadly, I'd estimate that 97% of those people are dead set on believing that anorexia is caused by teenage drama queens. Those who don't really put any thought into it are often mistaken.


It's not just their self-perception of weight. As I said before, there are outside influences that can cause it (like in my own case). I had no desire to be thin, but nor did I have a desire to eat. I became anorexic because of it.




To begin I am not sure that the condition you speak of having when younger would be defined by the current DSM IV as anorexia-at least not from the little you have shared (and unfortunately the guide is filled with eating disorders of many kinds). But your personal experience of which I am happy that you seem to have gotten under control was not relevant to my posting...and that is beside the point. My reference to the diagnosis stipulation regarding "self perception" is not in reference to how once BECOMES anorexic....I believe I acknowledge trama and other things as a trigger. However, just as an addict does not have their trigger be the main causality of the disease itself...but possibly a chemical reason for addiction that is underlying and is made more active and prevelent by thier actions. My point..which really had nothing to do with your post per se...is that even those who choose to for lack of better terms, engage in "recreational vomiting"

deserve some understanding also. I believe people that go through such things have true underlying issues that is more than they think they are too fat. It is not natural to engage in food deprivation and I feel badly for these people. Their self-perception starts becoming disordered. And in your own post you say you do not condone self-induced anorexia (which binging and purging is self-induced but not the anorexic condition itself...I believe these actions are an underlying symptom of a psychological issue or some other problem) and you also state that you are "sickened" by the stupid teenyboppers who make themselves purge because they are not super thin. I am sickend that someone feels so helpless and sees themselves as so little that the most important thing is to be thin and nothing else matters. What sickens me is the things that push a person to this...whatever they may be.

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