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Armor and weapon idea, along with Armor mod kits


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ok so i'm one of those types who like to melee once in a while and i got to thinking, would it be possible to make a weapon and armor mod that gives u the black trench coat and sword for the blade movie series, i was just imagining myself traversing the wasteland go ape on any and all who stand in my way with my awesome sword. i myself have no experience modding F3 content and was hoping maybe an awesome someone could take up the challenge and give it a go, i for one would download it in a heart beat. food for thought anyway.


something else i considered was the possibility of ARMOR mod kits, the weapon mod kit addon gave me this idea, mods for ur own armor, like adding a stealth field or extra lock pick skill or something to that effect. or maybe some stealth power armor, that would be interesting, kinda like a pred style thing, using enclave armor as a base.


if anyone has any views or could maybe help me do it myself that would be mad fun. thanks to any who can help!

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