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Far Cry

Game freezes, monitor loses signal?


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Ok, having a problem with my game on PC. I'll be playing for a little while then the game freezes, then I hear the Windows 'disconnect' sound and my monitor loses signal and I have to hold the power button to shut down. I have a new Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 12gb GPU and even got a new 750w PSU to accomodate it which is more than enough my system. Even so, I played this game a year ago with a lesser GPU and half the RAM I have now and didnt have this problem. All my other games run pretty well. I read to run the game in 'Borderless Window' mode with VSync off but it still crashed. I'd appreciate any advice on fixing this. The game also lags quite a bit too. I took pics of my in-game graphics settings if it helps, links below. Thank you.

My PC Specs:

Windows 7 Pro

Intel Core i5-4690k 3.5Ghz

32 gb RAM

Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 12gb VRAM

..Nvidia Driver Version 473.81 (latest)





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