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Problem when moving/hard linking Vortex installation folder.

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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Vortex was working perfectly with Fallout4, I then tried to move the location of the Vortex folder (the app folder, NOT the data folder), to my user partition (I should have done it at install but I forgot!!) by doing the following -


Renamed C:\Program FIles\Blacktree Gaming Ltd to C:\Program FIles\x-Blacktree Gaming Ltd (to keep a backup if it went wrong)

Made the folder - D:\Games\Vortex

mklink /d "C:\Program FIles\Blacktree Gaming Ltd" "D:\Games\Vortex"

Copied the Vortex folder and all it's contents from C:\Program FIles\Blacktree Gaming Ltd to D:\Games\Vortex


So the Vortex .exe is now physically located at - D:\Games\Vortex\Vortex\


The Vortex Appdata\Roaming folder was already a link from day one, so that hasn't changed, ie all the Vortex stuff and all downloaded mods are already on the D: drive.


Checked the link, seemed OK.


Started Vortex - no games reported as managed, tried to add Fallout4 - game is not supported!


Anyone have any idea why? Are there other hidden config files I need to move/link?



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