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Gmail invites going!


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It is the final step in Google's master plan to rule the world!


Basically, they give a number of people free 1GB email addresses, and then:

A) Charge the rest of the people who desire such an uber-email

B) Continue to accept new users, and push web-hosting services

C) Leverage their way into all major political positions in every country, thereby cementing the velvet fist of their power


DISCLAIMER: These are hypothetical guesses, I don't know anyth...*CLICK*

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Gmail invites were a sacred internet commodity... for five minutes after conception.


In short, Gmail is googles email service.


I've been using it for a long time and am satisfied with it.


Better than hotmail and yahoo from my experience.

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Why? This will make me sound ignorant, but as long as it receives emails and sends them, why use a different one. I've got an email virus filter (or at least I will once ive configured AVG) so thats no problem. So whats the difference?
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