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Favorite nude body mod... so far?


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I actually stumbled across this thread while trying to find out more about the body mods and to keep with the main topic, I think the Type3 looks best so far.


The main reason I posted though is to toss my 2 cents in the body fat argument. In a postapoc world like that you wouldn't really have the option of overeating or being lazy for that matter so it makes sense that everyone would be decent shape. Everyone having 6 packs however is a bit much.

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I actually stumbled across this thread while trying to find out more about the body mods and to keep with the main topic, I think the Type3 looks best so far.


The main reason I posted though is to toss my 2 cents in the body fat argument. In a postapoc world like that you wouldn't really have the option of overeating or being lazy for that matter so it makes sense that everyone would be decent shape. Everyone having 6 packs however is a bit much.


boobs are made up of fat :ninja:




I am all for having hot chicks in videogames, I just don't beleive in covering it up with silly excuses such as realism. If it was realistic the girls wouldn't look nearly as good as Type 3 or Exnem's.


But I wouldn't want realism.

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prolly doesnt count but "Growlf's Hot Body" for oblivion is simply amazing stuff...

if anyone is following his thread over at spieleabend they might know what im talking about... that body is not just a body it is THE body...

and hes still not done with it lol... after dunno how many years of developement and V30.0 atm lol

the time he spend perfecting for example the knees or feet alone is tremendous, lots of physical knowledge of the human body and the translation into polygons and the horrible bethesda skeleton grew into it and i can only wish that beth someday makes a body like his...

sry to say but the other bodies feel like kid's toys in comparision even tho they are still way above any vanilla body beth ever spit out...

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why cant tha fat guy just be some smarter than the others around him? (or atleast thinks he is or is for that situation of people)

like...i sit here on my butt and get fat and you go get me stuff and take care of me my minions!!! (insert some kinda logic here for how he can control them...i.e. huge rediculous stash of caps he found and only he knows where it is or something)


i think to much gets called unrealistic based on a person just cant imagine a reason....i.e. i cant think of why and im the center of all things so there must be no reason cause if there was a reason surely i would think if it!!!!! lol :biggrin: :blink: :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

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nah sadly not, growlf doesnt play fallout anymore but still works on the oblivion body tirelessly... id love to have it in fallout tho but thats not a simple conversion lol, its just to perfect and well balanced in comparision to lets say a piece or armor which can be comverted in 1 or 2 hours...

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