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SE to AE, list mods that need updating?


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I'd like to switch from SE to AE but I have literally hundreds mods & skse plugins installed in ModOrganizer2. I fear updating as I don't know which ones need a 1.6.x version and would stop working with AE...


So I was wondering if there is a program or something to list the installed versions (1.5/1.6) to make decisions easier? thx

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AFAIK, every mod on the modding wiki page is an SKSE mod. Just scroll down the page, and look for the ones you currently use. If there is an updated version for SE/AE, d/l it. If there is a newer replacement (it might NOT be feature identical), go to its site and d/l it. You are not looking for a "few hundred mods", just SKSE-dependent mods (probably also dependent on the Address Library for SKSE plugins).

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I mean, as I said above I have "literally hundreds mods" installed in MO2, so I'd have to manually go through the whole skse modlist, look if it's installed and if needs an update. Then I'd have to look for AE updates for regular mods, like USSEP which only works with the newest AE version and others which only work with previous AE versions. It's a mess, in the end I wouldn't even know if the game would still work. . .

Edited by kaymre
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Yes, I know the feeling - over 700 mods when I finally made the change, had spent quite a bit of time lurking on the Nexus to check for updates to my favorites. Most mods carried over, I lost tk's Ultimate Dragons, and a few other mods (esp. graphics) that just weren't up to par after the upgrade - better options showed up (now over 1000 plugins), and bugfix mods required the more recent game version. Then, about 2 weeks after I made the change, the 1.6.640 version came out (ARRRGGGGHHH!), and I haven't changed over to that yet.


More unsolicited advice - something will eventually break, start making a list now, and checking for updates and alternatives. Just invest the time over the next few months, break things down, so you won't have such a hill to climb should disaster strike...


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