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Something is permanently tanking my Perception


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For some reason even though my perception is 7 on my perk chart, something is taking away 6 points of it. There's no effects listed in the pipboy. I haven't done anything yet in the game that might have messed with it. I'm playing on high difficulty, streaming Project Valkire like I've been planning for ages, I don't have bullets to waste. This happened last playthrough too.


How do I fix this? Like command wise how do I find out what's wrong and FIX this?


Edit: No matter what I eat or wear it doesn't change. I just ate a perception raising food and put on glasses. No change whatsoever.

Edited by ReaperDragon4
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Holy Carp! was Just thinking of a mod like this!

More precisely I was thinking: wouldn't it be cool to see active effects in my HUD.

This could be amazingly helpful, TY, @HeyYou!


This community is amazing, the talent pool and the infinite levels of "there's an app mod for that"... :thumbsup:


@ReaperDragon there is a bug about concussions not going away.

Not sure if that is your issue. It's usually a visual glitch from what I've gathered, but could be knock on from something like that. :unsure:


Knock off the moonshine, get your adamantium on, and for gosh sake, wear a helmet! :wallbash:

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Holy Carp! was Just thinking of a mod like this!

More precisely I was thinking: wouldn't it be cool to see active effects in my HUD.

This could be amazingly helpful, TY, @HeyYou!


This community is amazing, the talent pool and the infinite levels of "there's an app mod for that"... :thumbsup:


@ReaperDragon there is a bug about concussions not going away.

Not sure if that is your issue. It's usually a visual glitch from what I've gathered, but could be knock on from something like that. :unsure:


Knock off the moonshine, get your adamantium on, and for gosh sake, wear a helmet! :wallbash:


DUDE early stages of playthrough! I just hit lvl 20 today and my mods let me take the Gifted trait, so I level more slowly.

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DUDE early stages of playthrough! I just hit lvl 20 today and my mods let me take the Gifted trait, so I level more slowly.


Actually, most serious accidents happen within 10 miles of home, just ask the soul survivor. :ermm:


Anyway, check in your pip boy under perks to see if anything is working against you.

I just installed the mod that HeyYou mentioned and it will clarify a lot for you.



@HeyYou you know I loaded Active Effects on HUD, compacted form IDs and flagged as esl, and "it just works!"

You can quote me on that, I just came up with it. :tongue:

(Well, technically you have make settings changes, quit the game entirely, reload, and then)... It just works!

Not quite as catchy a tagline, but still a really nice mod. TY! :yes:

Edited by Blinxys
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DUDE early stages of playthrough! I just hit lvl 20 today and my mods let me take the Gifted trait, so I level more slowly.


Actually, most serious accidents happen within 10 miles of home, just ask the soul survivor. :ermm:


Anyway, check in your pip boy under perks to see if anything is working against you.

I just installed the mod that HeyYou mentioned and it will clarify a lot for you.



@HeyYou you know I loaded Active Effects on HUD, compacted form IDs and flagged as esl, and "it just works!"

You can quote me on that, I just came up with it. :tongue:

(Well, technically you have make settings changes, quit the game entirely, reload, and then)... It just works!

Not quite as catchy a tagline, but still a really nice mod. TY! :yes:




Sadly, the mod isn't loading up when I eat or drink anything. its still the way its always been. looked up the bug mentioned above and I'm gonna have to go deathclaw hunting it seems. it says to incur a concussion again, then use a stimpack directly from your pipboy and not use the shortcut on its cover page. And because I entered power armor, the condition might be permanent. V.V;;;

Edited by ReaperDragon4
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oh no I long since reloaded a previous save. lost about two days of work. >.< but when the bug kicked in again I had two levels of adamantium skeleton and only lost 3 points of perception. it was the nightstrikers mod (facepalm). the damn things hit like trucks and can cameoflauge, extremely hard to deal with at low levels.


now i have another quick question that's only tangentially related. the cannabis commonwealth mod, its chems have the label +_ head condition. with the _ being a number. does that mean that it will heal limb damage to my head?

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