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Looking for help installing various mods


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Hello, I'm looking for someone willing to help me install some sex and erotic mods.

I'm a complete novice when it comes to modding Bethesta games and I just want to spice up a game that I've played through quite a few times.
I know it's far harder than other games I've seen.

I've tried a few things and read guides, but I can't do it.
Errors are, for example, that the mods do nothing or that something seems to be missing.
For example with the LooksMenu: the font is displayed oddly (with $ etc.) and although the menus can be opened, there is nothing to select.
It also happens that the game loads endlessly.

I am using MO2, have game version
I'm concerned with the compatibility, the loading order and installing additional animations for the mods.
Please don't tell me to look at guides and videos, I've been at it for a whole day and I really can't get it :sad:

If one could be found there, it would be great.

Edited by Kacostra
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Always check the requirements!

The $ generally means either f4se, mcm, or looksmenu are not installed correctly (it's missing strings data).


It sounds like you do not have presets where the game is looking for them...


Be Advised:

A lot of the edgier mods are very poorly packed, and introduce a lot of undesirable side-effects.

(bad localization, zero length files, meta.ini's, untested/inefficient/broken scripts, and more).

Support was bad in the past but now everything is very, very fractured.


These mods are not for the faint of heart, or an absolute beginner.

Your mission, (if you choose to accept it):

In the end will result in you knowing far more than you ever wanted to about how stuff works in FO4. :wacko:

Even then, some of mods might never work properly, not saying they ever did in the first place. :rolleyes:

But, we all have to start something somewhere. :whistling:

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I get that it's more complicated than moving folder X into directory Y.
It's not like I didn't try either. 8am to 10pm and then another half morning the following day.

Even with Skyrim I got at least a few mods up and running but here? Nothing at all...

I would keep it small for now and slowly work my way up from there.
What I'm trying to get up and running now are the following mods:
- FO4SE (at least I think it's pretty easy to install)
- Advanced Animation Framework (AAF)
- Looks Menu
- Mod Configuration Menu

I tried to install it manually but it didn't even recognize that something was installed so I must have done it wrong.

Edited by Kacostra
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Well, I don't mean to come off as being a martinet :pirate: , modding FO4 is frustrating, especially in the beginning.


However, a maxim that I push is as follows:

"The most important aspect of computer literacy is: reading". :geek:


And there's lots of that, too much, and it's often needlessly noodled up. :down:

So this is a smattering overview of what you might need to know about going in head first. :teehee:


First time setup could possibly take several attempts and many false starts before getting desirable results. :ermm:


Nevertheless, you are installing a functional core so it's important to get it right, :thumbsup:


F4se - just gives you the loader, it is a utility to enable other mods more scripting options.


MCM - Is a framework for setting options from mods (through f4se).

Options are top on your save/load menu if any mods are using it (the following mods do not use its screens on their own).


AAF - also does nothing alone, and unless something changed you need a theme, and 1 animation set to get it to run.

It generally makes a show of itself early in game with a message box, as does the theme.

you can further test it by hitting ctrl+home to open the interface and get (limited) options and insight into what's going on.

There are two general uses for AAF 1) animation 2) API to use animation.

Animations (1) are downloaded separately and required for (2) AAF Mods.


Looksmenu - is a framework for presets again doing nothing on it's own.

I and others generally install the LooksMenu Customization Compendium which is a collection of viable options.

You also should get a (single) body preset just to complete the configuration.

The most popular body preset of choice is CBBE for a number of reasons. One of which is that it comes with it's own conversions.

This will lay the internal folder construct (framework) for presets.


To that end, you should also download and install:


Bodyslide and Outfit Studio (a twofer, that's 2 programs that work on different parts of the same thing, (body/clothing models).

You must batch build all CBBE outfits.


If done properly the above will have no visible effect in game. :ohmy: "It just works."

Meaning, if you did it right nothing will be broke, and it should run fine. :cool:

All the options should be available to a very limited extent, (except "clothing" on looksmenu will always crash the game IIRC).

This core framework and its artifices will be populated by other mods.


Sorry about the wall of text. Just getting you some computer literacy the only way it comes naturally. :geek:

Once the above is done, you will be on a different level altogether, with a whole lot of new problems questions. :D

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