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Any Oblivion fans looking at Mass Effect 2?

Varus Torvyn

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I've been tracking Mass Effect 2 and I've been receiving regular updates. I think it's a great innovation that we'll be able to carry over ME 1 saves to ME 2.


Casey Hudson (ME 2 Project Lead @ Bioware) granted an interview. In it he stated a lot will be shown at E3, and the game will be ready in Spring 2010, for PC & 360.


Mass Effect 2 Interview

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nahhhh...not rlly b/c oblivion isnt one of those games you can get board of so easily(my opinion)because thats what medival fantasy rpg games are its like an mmorpg but not with the "O".the reason for that is because its one of those action packed adventurous type games...u know.so im not rlly looking at mass effect2
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I played the first one on my 360 and i have to say lagg, it was great game but horrable on the 360, i am looking foward to the pc version though.


Even one of the dev's siad they could'nt keep it a steady frame rate.

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i am looking forward to a Mass Effect 2 and Diablo 3 :) its gunna be awhile but its gunna be worth it!


Sword Devil

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Mass Effect being hands-down my favorite game on the 360, I'd have to say yes. I never got the PC version because of the insanely draconian DRM. ME made all my roommates hate me for hogging the TV two weeks straight. :)

Interesting you should mention DRM. I bought the Digital Download, and all I had to do was enter Registration Codes for the game and the DLC. When I boot Mass Effect, all it does is check for news. Even if it was periodically reverifying registration, it's very unobtrusive and doesn't affect loading times. And to top it off, I bought the download from the EA Store.


EA & Bioware are backing down from their DRM stance anyway. Dragon Age will only have a Disc Check.

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