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A never ending story


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"He's dead like a goat honey" Otto said.

The ballerina, who didn't have as much experience with goats as Otto had, wondered what the hell a "Goathoney" was, and then added;

"And besides, Gabriel can not die, he is a main-character, remember? And he is allso the totally insane creator of this thread, so if he dies, we will probably die too... This means that you better find out what happened to him and his part of the car"

"Oh, forget about Gabriel, are you not happy here with me and allt his? Honey?" Otto said.

"Happy with you and all this honey? No, I can not honestly say I am, so lets go find Gabriel before someone realise he's gone".

"Yea... Well, ok, if this is what you want... Then, where shall we look?"



They decided to search for Gabriel near the old...

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OOC> STOP portaraing me as a feikng pervert >:( >:( ;)




(The old Kodo-range was a well-known hangout among the Gnomes of Kalimdor.)


Otto's original plan was to steal one of the Gnomes and say that it was Gabbe.


This plan fail becaus the "ballerina/lawyer thingy" definitely remembered that Gabbe didn't have green hair or a freakin little mustasch (you know the hair you have under your nose).


Otto's secondery plan was to enlist of the Gnome Engineer to make a Gabbe-find-o-matic.


Luckily Otto found a Gnome that could make a Gabbe-find-o-matic.


But to make a Gabbe-find-o-matic he/she would need a...

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OOC> Watch it guys! Kill each other in school not on the forum!


The gnome said they needed to search for a tromboon - a rare orchestral implement that lived most of its life on high alpine pastures masquerading as an alphorn. So Otto and the ballerina/lawyer, who had not yet told anyone her name, hurried to Switzerland. This is the land of snow, chocolate, avalanches, snow, cuckoo clocks, William Tell, snow, cheese and gnomes (at least in Zurich) and snow. Best known for its negative unemployment rate as everyone had an additional job in the black economy.


Climbing every mountain, Otto pointed out that the hills were alive with the sound of music, with songs they had heard for...


The ballerina told him to get real and that the hills were in fact pretty dead owing to aerial pollution. But she yodelled from peak to peak seeking the tromboon. Only alphorns replied.


One very old alphorn advised that the tromboons had fled to warmer climes and to try Wagga Wagga.


While Otto and the girl in the tututututututu were debating the quickest way to reach Oz - the land of desert, kangaroos, koalas, desert, eucalypts, possums, desert, Dame Edna Everidge and improper use of English (actually that should read 'the land of dessies, kangies, koalies, eucalies, possies and Dame Ednies) - at the bottom of Lake Vanern something strange was going on. Suddenly...

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,ok maybe not suddenly but definatly quicker then eventually, Gabbe decided enough was enough and proceded to start walking to the shore line. It seemed Gabbe finally got bored of playing who could hold their breathte the longest with the fish at the bottom of the lake and decided it was time to catch up with OTTO and The Lady in Pink.


Meanwhile Otto and the twirling leagal consultant were still argueing over what was a faster way to get to the OZ by plane or tornado. You see Otto, who had already been to the middle of next week and met Dorothy from Kansas, knows that the best way to get to OZ is by tornado; while the very flexible and knowledgable lawyer in a tutututut tries to explain that teleportation would be the quickest and most efficeient way to get there and it is completely ridiculous to think that they are going to get hit by a tornado in the middle of the Alps.


Of course, as you might expect due to the nature of the story, as soon as she finished the last sentence they were both swept up in a torando an instantly transported to...........

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... Chichen Itza, Mexico the land of tacos, aztecs, chilli con carne, potentially illegal immigrants, burritos, enchiladas, tequila and diarrhoea and find themselves beside a much weathered statue of chac mul the god of rain.


At this precise moment it is not raining and the legal terpsichorean pirouettes in pleasure at being away from all the cold weather.


Otto rightly realises that this diversion has got them no nearer to finding the shy tromboon and so Gabriel, and kicks at the statue angrily.


This is a mistake because...

Edited by Malchik
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he had forgot to read the sign on the other side of the statue...


As soon as he kicked it, he and the pink-lawyer-with-a-flexible-girl-tututututu (Or was it the other way around?) was suddenly surrounded by angry locals with big evil guns which they had bought at the local gunstore before they went to the local statue. One of the locals said with an angry voice:

"Hey! Didn't you read the sign on the other side of the statue? It said: IT IS FORBIDDEN FOR PEOPLE THAT HAVE A NAME STARTING WITH 'O' TO KICK OUR STATUE! And those who do it have to...

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be thrown into the cenote. After we drain you of blood, of course."


The pull out their local machetes and drag Otto away to the local cenote.


Things look very final for Otto. But the legal ballerina eagle is not without influence. She...

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Take a hellicopter out of the place for all I know! ;D OOC> You are supposed to laugh now Malchik :happy:


And then fly away with Otto... Unfortunately, she don't know how to fly a helicopter, so they crash in...

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Florida, the land of the Everglades, CSI, geriatrics, conservative racist bigots, alligators, sharks (the two legged variety), small minded America and hurricanes. They hand on the unfortunate Condoleeza Rice-Pudding Dog who is instantly squashed flat and buried under a little bush.


Gabriel meanwhile....

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