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A never ending story


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Was currently trying to convince people that he...


"Was not dead you idiots!" Gabriel screamed, "I am one hundred and one percent alive!".

"Yea right..." said one of the many people, "You better prove it before we gonna belive you! I know, if you can find the legendaric Holy-Wale, we will agree that you are indeed alive".


So... Of Gabriel wandered to fin the Holy-Wale, he decided the best place to start looking in was...

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In Wales, the land of song, rain, sheep, more rain, mountains, bards, leeks, flatulence, even more rain and strange languages.


"I must find the Holy Wale?" Gabriel demands of random visitors. They stare at him blankly never having heard of a wale. But fortunately one old gaffer, steaming gently as unexpected sunshine dries his rain sodden clothes, says:


"Well, look you, boyo, it's a bit of timber you be looking for, see? You need to go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky, look you, boyo. And all you need is a tall ship and a star to guide you by, look you, boyo. Or, look you boyo, I could find one for you if you bring me a pair of ladies..."


"A pair of lady's what?" Gabriel prompts.


"Oh, just a pair of ladies, mind, look you, boyo."


So off Gabriel goes knowing from personal experience just how to get a pair of ladies. (See alternative thread).


What he does is...

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goes to the nearest bar and explains to the women there that there is a lonely dentist in need of 'services' and he is willing to trade his services for yours. Now fortunately for Gabriel Wales is also the land of bad teeth, and he had all sorts of offers.

Gabriel picks the 1st 2 and brings them to the Old man who is now dry and playing soitatre in the back alley. Gabbe offers the man the 2 women and Old man gives Gabbe the oddest look. The Old man then laughs and tells him that what he meant was he needs 2 queens. So off Gabbe goes to find 2 Queens and where does he head but to the local transgender hang out called the 'Snip and tuck.' He elxplains the situation to 2 feminine looking he/shes and they agree to the proposal under the conditions that Gabbe ...........

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Rushes off to Gavle and sets fire to any straw goats in the vicinity. Mission accomplished, the men accompany him to the old sailor who is happy enough to present Gabriel with a bit of timber said to be a Wale. Whether it is the Holy Wale or not it looks like any old bit of wood. Indeed it probably is any old bit of wood. Will the people who demand it to prove that Gabriel is in fact living and not a hologram accept it?


In fact their immediate response is...


Otto and the ballerina/lawyer in the meantime have buried the hatchet (in the bush) and reinflated the Condoleeza Rice-Pudding dog to three times its normal size.


"What secret CIA flights? What transfers of foreign nationals?" the dog rabbits (interesting zoological observation). "Violation of human rights? The definition of human is a citizen of the USA. No one else is human. No one else has rights. Therefore we are not violating them!"


Otto pulls the hatchet out of the bush and buries it into the dog's cranium. It has no effect as the dog is talking out of its backside.


But then Otto hears about the burning of a straw goat he knows Gabriel must be alive and in Sweden (for Gabriel has done that sort of thing for years). Grabbing the girl by the tutututututututu.....

Edited by Malchik
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he runs towards Sweden...


Unfortunately thats one hell of a distance, and they stumbled uppon a problem when they tried to run over the ocean... How would they manage to cross it?




(Oh yea, here it comes...)




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Was running (like someone who had an angry mob of disbelivers after him) from the angry mob of disbelivers that still calimed he didn't exist.


"Damn idiots..." Gabriel said to himself, and stopped, feeling that he couldn't run anymore.


"Hey!" he shouted to the angry mob of disbelivers behind him, "Will you be so kind to stop there a bit?".


"Why should we!" One in the angry mob of disbelivers shouted back.


"Because I can't run anymore, and have to search for a place to hide before you guys continue to run after me".


"Eh... Ok" said the one who stood in the front of the mob, "Sounds fair... Ok, go hide, but only this time".


"Thanks guys!" Gabriel said, and hid himself...

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The sound-guy (you know the one who allways comes to late) decided to take a brake, and that resulted in no sound at all.


Gabbe the elvish Presley didn't realise that the sound was gone and continued to dance around, until...

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