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A never ending story


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No!!!! I do not want you to roleplay yourself! (Who know how that ends... :P )


You are free to play wichever character you want, just like before, and to play other ppls characters to, just like before.

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OOC>Oh well, in that case.


Further into the cheesecake prison Gab hears the rattle of the pipes and realises they are playing a Bach Cantata. He joins in by tapping out the descant.


Unfortunately this is translated by Mal as "Please pass the mustard, my breakfast cereal is turning green."


Looking around urgently to find mustard Mal finds instead...

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A machine such as he has never seen before. Thinking there must be mustard in it, he butters up, and starts into it with relish. Suddenly the machine splits apart to reveal a frayed and frazzled Malchik. "Will you stop beating on me like that Mal! Your fellows have deserted you. Go home quickly now while I dismantle this thing."

Seeming to be two places at once, Mal looks at his split personality and leaves for counseling, at twice the price of course. The Doctor, Dr. Con De'Ment, he finds prescribes .....




(Must give quote credit to Malchik in the Lake Island thread, incase there is a copy-right :) Thanks for the GREAT quote :) Please sir, could we have you stand and take a bow? Thank-you, that's enough, no really ... Alright, already, just sit back down :) Mutters under breath, Just what the world needs, MORE HAM!)

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(In another cell... far far away...) A Mirc in a bird... no wait... A bird in a mirc? Ah... whatever! Lets call her Mirc, ok. Mirc was trying to break free from her cell, but for some strange reason her attempt just resulted in herself hurting herself... on... herself...


She had to find some other way to get out of this cell...


"Hey! Be quiet in there!" A passing guard said outside the sturdy door...


Mirc answered:

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"Burble burble burble." Her cell being completely full of cheesecake gin. This correctly reaches the ears of all the other prisoners as: "Hasn't anybody got some damned tonic?"


Unfortunately Mal is fighting his split personalily as to who is going to pay for the cost of the consultancy and is grossed out (I mean engrossed) in what he is doing.


Gab looks urgently around his cell for tonic but finds only...

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a big pile of nothing in one of the circleshaped corners.


"Oh my god!.." Gab said in a moment of total helplessness and despair (since someone had stolen all his gin).


This instantly summoned...

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....Gandalf the White who had a great liking for gin and hallucinatory herbs he passed off as tobacco.


"Ah Gab," he said, noticing the youth's hairy toes and general smallness of stature, "it's quite clear you are really a Hobbitoid. Let us go and immediately free the imprisoned gin."


He uses his staff (with the knob on the end) to blast his way out of Gab's prison. The fireball accidentally kills Mal's consultant freeing him from the need for payment. This is just as well as both of him are skint.


Gab dashes out through the hole in the door leaving behind his.....

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His calling card and a 15 cent tip. Room service wasn't that great, he thinks. "But really, a 15 cent tip? Come on Gab," Gandalf sputters, "Can't you do better than that?" "No" pouts Gab.


Heading down the hall for Mirc's room Gandalf and Gab pass many rooms, some with names, some without. Near the end of the hall they see a door with 'Tonic' written on it. Thinking quickly, Gandalf sticks his head in the door. BANG. Please Mister Narrator, could you not think before I act? Gandalf pules (I just love that word - don't you?). Shaking his head, he opens the door, sticks his head in and slicks back his hair. With a head full of tonic, he and Gab continue on to Mirc's room where they find ....

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