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Seasons in Fallout 4


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What are the best options for doing seasons in Fallout 4? You know, snow during winter, greenery during spring, death during autumn.


Can I just choose my favourite mods on the nexus and change them during a save by exiting the game and reloading? (afaik there are no season mods that change on the fly, but I could be wrong about that). Not bothered about changing the dlc locations, just the commonwealth.


Would be cool to change other things too like the weather (turn off true storms and replace with a snow mod during winter) and maybe even add some other unique things like ice enemies if they exist.


I'm worried that changing mods mid save is a bad idea, also that the mods could add too much that aren't present in the other mods like trees.

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You're baiting us right? :huh:


Alright, I'll bite, but just this once...

Any and all changes to your load order will undoubtedly be reflected in your game in the form of irreconcilable bugs. (Period).

(To be considered over and beyond the regular bugs that crop up, regularly).


If you use Vivid Weathers you have manual weather control. Some users of VW have reported issues, Buffout 4, and my experience say otherwise.


I personally have yet to see a worthwhile weather mod that handles ambient conditions in any satisfactory way.

2287 (gasmasks) is a touch of the right thing, but too OP and all Rads all the time. :sick:

Crackle is another but handles it very insufficiently.


Hot, cold, wet, wind (speed, direction), sweaty, arid, humid, clear, foggy, dusty, day, night, indoors, outdoors, are all things that should influence character on some level.


That being said, loose texture mods can be swapped mid game without an implicit problem.

Explicitly on the condition that there is nothing wrong with the texture files.

Therefore, purely loose files can be used at any time, if you can be certain they will alter the right scenery items to your liking.

Snow should technically be handled by voxels, but that would be intensive, but not impossible. :devil:


A table correlating loaded cell should be mapped and regulated by date + season vs chance of multiple base conditions adjusted to by x NPC/player response(s).


I saw a Skyrim mod that had everyone put on hoods and hats, or go inside when it was raining, so the games knows what's up.

(The ground/surfaces get glossy when it rains, and there's dust devils when its dry) - back to back in the course of an hour mind you. :rolleyes:


It's in there I say, just never been properly programmed in any extensive way, would love to see it done well though. :wub:

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Creating 4 sets of textures and manually swap them when you want to change season is definitely your best option.


No idea how to go about the daylight change, but if possible to change the light/dark balance it will require a mod. (*.esp)

as well as turning rain into snow & that's where the problems start as mentioned before & swapping mods is usually a bad idea.


There used to be a "Seasons" mod [by GameDuchess], with 4 mods for each season but it was removed.

Edited by RoNin1971
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Is'nt there a way to add material shaders/mask to every outdoor item so to react to weather to parhaps make ground and such change texture midgame/ingame? like wetness shaders but for snow so that it activate during certain weather types, not sure how many types of shaders or mask the engine may handle tho.

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Check out Frog's Discord server, her Fallout Season's mods are available there. https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5843488

That's actually the mod I mentioned. It turns out FrogprincessQ4 took over from GameDuchess.



Anyone had any luck changing to a snowy landscape and weather mod mid save without issues?

Never had issue's doing something like that. The problems usually occur when removing it again mid game, or replacing it by another (from a different author).


If you can get your hands on those 4 "Seasons" mods, you should be relatively fine.

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I'm going to add a bit of clarification when it comes to weather and terrain mods. *Most weather and terrain (grass and tree replacement mods / texture replacement) mods can be installed/uninstalled or swapped out at any time without harming your save game. They primarily consist of value changes, changing colors or redirecting/replacing a mesh or texture from a default one to a custom one, but these changes aren't recorded in your save game.

The only time you 'might' have an issues with weather and/or terrain mods is if they are using scripts or editing cell or world data to accomplish a goal, but even then it depends on the particular scripts being used or edits being made. Most Mod Authors will have noted on their mod pages or in the mod info if it's safe or not to install/uninstall the mod mid game.


*To point out the obvious, any mod that is not properly made can cause game crashes and/or other issues.

And if you use Frog's Fallout Seasons mods you can install/uninstall or swap them out at any time without harming your save games.

Edited by Glass1411
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to add a bit of clarification when it comes to weather and terrain mods. *Most weather and terrain (grass and tree replacement mods / texture replacement) mods can be installed/uninstalled or swapped out at any time without harming your save game. They primarily consist of value changes, changing colors or redirecting/replacing a mesh or texture from a default one to a custom one, but these changes aren't recorded in your save game.

The only time you 'might' have an issues with weather and/or terrain mods is if they are using scripts or editing cell or world data to accomplish a goal, but even then it depends on the particular scripts being used or edits being made. Most Mod Authors will have noted on their mod pages or in the mod info if it's safe or not to install/uninstall the mod mid game.


*To point out the obvious, any mod that is not properly made can cause game crashes and/or other issues.

And if you use Frog's Fallout Seasons mods you can install/uninstall or swap them out at any time without harming your save games.

THAT looks like the best thing, that you're looking for.

I'd come across a video of their mod, last night. And was going to post the video, but I didn't have a link, since they removed their mods from nexus.

Great post Glass!


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