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Apocalypse - The Spell package and Skyrim Redone compatibility?


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I've been spending ages troubleshooting my game, and after many hours of troubleshooting via disabling plugins, I finally narrowed it down to Apocalypse - The Spell Package, and used the recommended STEP method of removing the mod. However, this pains me greatly, as I really loved that mod, but apparently it is incompatible with T3nd0 Skyrim Redone. I love bot mods, and I would really like to keep both of them. The funny thing is, the game worked fine until I reached around lvl 50 and my save file went over 10MB (consistently staying under 15 though). I've done the whole Boss load order, TES5Edit cleaning and disabling background programs, but I could never get Apocalypse to work with Skyrim Redone. Does anyone have any solution to allow both mods to work together? The Teleport Spell and Open Lock spells are the main reason I use Apocalypse; without them, I feel very limited in what I can do.

I should also mention that I previously had Wyrmstooth installed, but after troubleshooting for a while, I decided to remove it, since it increased stability, but only to a limited degree.

Here's my load order, if it helps:

Active Mod Files:


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.0a]
03  Dawnguard.esm
04  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.0b]
05  HearthFires.esm
06  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.0]
07  Dragonborn.esm
08  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.0]
09  Falskaar.esm
0A  JSwords.esm
0B  moonpath.esm
0C  SPIKE.esm
0D  HighResTexturePack01.esp
0E  HighResTexturePack02.esp
0F  Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.4]
10  Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
11  High Level Enemies.esp
12  High Level Enemies - Falskaar.esp
13  High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp
14  High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp
15  High Level Enemies - Hardcore.esp
16  High Level Enemies - Increased Max Resists.esp
17  Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp  [Version v6.1.2]
18  Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp  [Version v6.1.2]
19  Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
1A  JSwords_Load_Screens.esp
1B  RaceMenu.esp
1C  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
1D  SkyUI.esp
1E  iHUD.esp
1F  Cloaks.esp
20  Crossbows_Basic_Collection_EN_LL.esp
21  hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
22  Immersive Weapons.esp
23  Insanity's Daedric Sword.esp  [Version 1.0]
24  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp
25  HarvestOverhaulDawnguardDragonborn.esp  [Version 2.0]
26  HarvestOverhaulCreaturesDawnguardHearthfireDragonborn.esp
27  DeadlyDragons.esp
28  SkyRe_Main.esp
29  SkyRe_Main_Fix.esp
2A  SkyRe_Combat.esp
2B  SkyRe_HarvestOverhaulDawnguardDragonbornPatch.esp
2C  SkyRe_Plugin_BerserkBlackSwordsmanArmor.esp  [Version 1.0]
2D  SkyRe_Plugin_BetterBows_1.4.1.esp
2E  SkyRe_Plugin_BowofIorveth_1.2.esp
2F  SkyRe_Plugin_DaggerCraft_1.3.esp
30  SkyRe_Plugin_DreadKnightWeaponSet_0.99.esp
31  SkyRe_Plugin_NicoroshiCreations_1.1.esp  [Version 1.0]
32  Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable_DG.esp
33  Breezehome-hf-CTD-fix.esp
34  moonpath_questdata.esp
35  The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp  [Version 1.2.5]
36  AchieveThat.esp
37  Headtracking.esp
38  dD-No Twitching Dragon Death Animation.esp
++  NoHelmetNightingale.esp
39  Passive dragons.esp
++  RichMerchants.esp
3A  dD - Easy Lift Bodies and Objects.esp
3B  SmartCast_1_0.esp  [Version 1.0]
3C  Command Dragon.esp
3D  The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp
3E  dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp
3F  3DNPC.esp
40  UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
41  UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp
42  UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp
43  LonelyKarliah.esp
44  WATER.esp
45  WATER DG.esp
46  WATER DB.esp
47  WATER Falskaar.esp
48  BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp
49  SKSE Hotkeys.esp
4A  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
4B  ReProccer.esp
4C  qotsafans LeveledLists IW IA Patch.esp
4D  qotsafans Books HF Patch.esp
4E  qotsafans Ingestibles HF Patch.esp
4F  NoHelmetDaedric.esp

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, after troubleshooting it like I said, it clearly is between these two mods. After uninstalling the Spell Package, all my crashes, freezes, and other performance drops were eliminated.

I'd heard about a possible compatibility patch being made by the author of Apocalypse, but I don't know how it's coming along.

In the meantime, I'm seriously considering editing the esp file of Apocalypse myself, and deleting everything except the select spells I actually use... but I'm not sure if that's possible. If anyone knows how to possibly edit the Apocalypse file in the Creation Kit to actually use it with Skyrim Redone, it would be appreciated.

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Crashes do not mean incompatibility, it means your game is overloaded. The size of Apoc's .esp makes no difference in this.


As for how it's coming along: you could have asked me, but Apocalypse New is about half done and I expect a release during the holidays. It will also reduce the number of persistent scripts from 1 to 0; that one script just might push people over the edge.


Note that you'll run into this problem again whenever you install a different big mod. Time to upgrade or reinstall?

Edited by EnaiSiaion
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So it could be that the Apocalypse spell package was simply a big mod that overloaded my game? Perhaps, but I've tried troubleshooting with other large mods, especially ones like 3DNPC, Immersive Creatures, etc. I've actually cleaned out most unnecessary mods that I used to have, including Skeleton Replaces and Dual Sheath Redux. I would have thought the overload is less likely since the simple removal of one mod solved all my crash problems.

I won't be uninstalling any more mods in my current playthrough, as I know that is bound to cause problems.

Anyway, I look forward to the Apocalypse New. In subsequent playthroughs, I may try and cut out more big mods if possible.

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