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New Lands, Quests, House Mods?


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I only recently finished the Main Quest of Oblivion for the first time. I only got exposed to the game with the GOTY year edition a few months ago. Got very sidetracked by mods and experimenting with the CS. Interspersed with that, I have found that the mods that really seem to garner the most interest from me are the robust ones that involve new lands, quests, and housing mods. I have been very taken by Shadowcrest Vineyard, AFK_Weye, Glenvar Castle, Verona Bloodlines, and Bartholm Village. I will be done with Bartholm before long and was wondering if others had recommendations for other good robust mods in this vein?


And I guess I should not have put the word "new" in in the title, because these are just new to me.

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Lots of people will swear by Hoarfrost Castle. Also try Midas Magic, Gates to Aesgaard, Damarask and Ruined Tails Tale.
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