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Mirai, a young custom voiced follower[WIP]


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hey there,


i too make custom voiced followers one of which is on G.E.M.S, sometimes you'll find less is more when it comes to content, as in, don't try too much or burn yourself out.. for example some may prefer a more fleshed out audio range over scripted additions.. because adding scripts to the game is not everyone's cup of tea. From what i have seen and read this follower will be well received and liked, the audio is decent quality, evident of a decent microphone and tweaked in audacity (or a similar utility), visually, very attractive,and relatively modest in attire (as in, not one of those silly illogicl/lore breaking under dressed "warrior"followers you get).


The problem i had with cerwiden and vilja (spelling?), whilst in their own right they are brilliant mods, the audio files were not always up to standard, noise not removed or a shoddy microphone used in some instances. So this mod in particular appeals tome because it's pleasant and music to my ears.



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The problem i had with cerwiden and vilja (spelling?), whilst in their own right they are brilliant mods, the audio files were not always up to standard, noise not removed or a shoddy microphone used in some instances. So this mod in particular appeals tome because it's pleasant and music to my ears.


I completely agree with you and which is what I wanted to aim for first and foremost was a good actress with a pleasing female voice. It was partly the reason I decided to make a follower because the mods you mentioned made such great fleshed out characters that really felt alive and useful but I just couldn't like them because of the quality of the voice. Unfortunately what I think I lack in is what they do have in actual modding ability, lol, but I think I'm faring pretty well considering my experience.


But thank you, I'm glad you like her.




I've updated the OP post and preview/trailer for her and will release the first version of her on FRIDAY.


Thanks for anyone still following!

Edited by kaleidx
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Don't know how I missed this gem. Shame on me. Eagerly waiting for the coming Friday.


Suggestion wise (for future versions of course)...since you mentioned you picked the house / home, may I suggest that giving the player the option to disable the "this is your home" feature if needed? Or if you have thought of / planning to add a "set the current location as home" feature, please disregard my suggestion.


Many thanks for sharing Mirai with us.

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well, one thing is for certain, you will at least get 4 mod reviews by the top reviewers and minimum 4k endorsements :tongue: excellent job.


Comments like that get me so excited. :blush: I hope I can live up to expectations though!



Suggestion wise (for future versions of course)...since you mentioned you picked the house / home, may I suggest that giving the player the option to disable the "this is your home" feature if needed? Or if you have thought of / planning to add a "set the current location as home" feature, please disregard my suggestion.


That sounds easy enough to implement, sure, I can try that. I'll definitely see what I can do.

But I'm glad you like what you see so far. :smile:


Anyways everything seems ok and still shooting for an early release tomorrow. :pirate:

Edited by kaleidx
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