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Question #2: 27/01/2005


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I think that a co op mode in Oblivion would not be such a bad thing. It really wouldn't alter the experience that much if at all. I have played The Eldaer Scrolls 3 into the ground and found that although it is probably one of the best games ever created, it was always giving me this sort of lonely feeling. Not that I need to have constant attachment to other people. It just would have been really nice to have it as an option to play with one other person. I have friends that play this game and we always are telling eachother what's going on in our world, what level we are, what armor we got, where we've been, so on...

It would definetly change the story a little, and changed the dynamics of some of the quests, but I think that over all it would have been nice.


Anyways, either way it works I love the game and I expect, as long as my computer can run the new one, I will also love the new one. I will probably lose hundreds of more hours to my glowing screen playing Oblivion.


Thanks for listening... :cheesy:

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One more thing I thought I could compare it to ....

I would almost compare the idea of co op I want and the reason I want only co op is if you were to compare it to co op doom and doom2. I know that they are completely different games so don't ge me wrong. But anyone who as ever played co op doom knows how gratifying it is to play with a friend and work together to reach a goal.


Anyways thats all for now.

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I think if there was coop it would allow for many cool things, like you go to do a mission while your freind is off in another city as a thief to try and steal some supplies for your guild. But I guess I would get more pleasure from having NPC companions that do stuff like that than humans. It seems strange but I used a companion script in morrowind and i could give my dude orders and equip him, and it was fun. In neverwinter nights expansions you could have a NPC party and equip them and level them and it was more fun for me than playing with random people, the key to good multiplayer is to know who your playing with, and you can know everything about NPC's, they obey they dont log out with key items, they dont kill you for fun unless thier programmed to, and they are always willing to play.


I find when I get into a single player playing mode I dont want to be bothered, while I don't deny multiplayer can be fun, I just hope for smart NPC's and a truly dynamic world. I think bethesda knows what we want better we know ourselfs.


I have always supported coop for morrowind. I loved playing dungen siege on the lan, and NWN, and Diablo 1&2. I think if they did go ahead and make a coop with 2-8 players it would have to work like each chooses a preset fate when they make thier character, so you have the main, the second the third etc. thier can only be one main per game he would be like the DM, or somthing. That way one guy follows the main quest but he can get help, and players that help him may get rewards along the way. But then thier there is major lore problems. People wont always want to play, so Death master starts a game as the main char, and he has two friends playing to help him, and then they leave and he get to lv 40 and they come back stil lv 5, then they cant play, need a anew game, but if they import characters then they need to reset quest and remove quest items and rest journal entries. AHHHH!!!!!!


Or they can make it so thier is multiple endings and multiple fates, lets face it morrowind was a bit disapointing, !!!potential spoiler!!! I wanted to become a god with the tools and the heart thingy and I couldnt. Would it have hurt to have a more options at the end or morrowind? well then for oblivion they should make it so the you can do the main quest a number of diffrent ways, and multiple people could all do the same main quest, maybe one becomes a god, and another becomes a vampre lord, and another becomes a powerful mage, in any case there should be the player fates then the main quest seprate. If a player drops out of the game, so-what its still playable, if they rejoin, ok they have lower level they just have to play more, if a character fufils the main quest before everyone else? I dont know that would suck.

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I think that it would be best if, instead of having a MMORPG, have a LANRPG (Is that a word?) Put that on top of a superior AI, and you'd have a d!&n good game... That way, you could still have the experience of playing with another human, but you wouldn't have to worry about any of the other problems like having to continually update the plot, or cheating...
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  • 2 weeks later...
I`m not sure if there should be a multiplayer aspect because you wouldnt get much of the plot if it were like that because you could be nerevarine if everybody else was too I like the idea nushio had tho.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've played Morrowind and all of the expansions several times over and they are fantastic games. After first hearing about the developement of Oblivion I've had to start the games again to try and waist some time between now and then.

However, the idea of have any version of Morrowind; past, present or future is a very good one. Quests cannot be done by everyone at the same time, especially where you have to find something or kill someone, and without a plot, even on a multiplayer, there would be no structure at all to the game. Keep it to one player and just brag to anyone who'll listen...thats what i recon.

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Daggerfall is by far one of my favorite single player RPGs simply because I could open it up and have an adventure. Heck, I never even found the storyline to Daggerfall (if there even is one)! It was far more fun just to go out and make my own adventure. Daggerfall made that possible.
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