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Derpy Load Order - ESM Not In Right Spot.


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Alright i've been looking around everywhere and I cannot find anybody with the same problem, which is disturbing.

The story is i had several mods installed i didn't want anymore ( lets not say the names of them to avoid embarrassment ._. ) so i came back to play Oblivion after about a month and uninstalled said mods, and immediatly after ran BOSS to put crap in its place. Well, i launched the game and went to hit "Continue" when suddenly i get a couple seconds to see a message saying something about "Cannot find esm" and i get a CTD.

I checked my Data Files, and found out that oblivion esm is indeed IN the data files and active, allowing me to launch the game, but it is WAYYYYY down on the load order list. I have no idea how this happened. I have a habit of running BOSS every time i install a new mod, which if anything i'd think would be a good thing. BOSS and OBMM both say that the esm is at the very top of the load order, yet my Data Files on the launcher doesn't. I also tried manually moving it with OBMM but then i get "You cannot move ESM files" or something of the like. What I want to know is how i can get my esm back at the top of the load order without totally re-installing Oblivion, and also what may have caused this. Is it BOSS being derpy? Thats the only possible explanation I can conjour up. After i uninstalled the mods i didn't want i ran BOSS. Thats the only thing i can think would change the load order. It's also weird that OBMM and BOSS BOTH say that Oblivion.esm is at the top of my load order, but my official launcher doesn't. Any help is greatly appriciated, as I have never had or heard of this problem before and really, it actually amuses me. I'd love to get some experience to fix it :D

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Oblivion Launcher does not give you load order. It's an alphabetical list of your mods. Oblivion.esm will be right after your mods beginning with the letter N and before the ones beginning with P. I suspect your problem isn't load order related ... more likely file corruption related. My Oblivion.esm (version 1.2.0416) is exactly 247,388,848 bytes as shown by the right click properties dialogue (that's size, not size on disk).


- Edit - Further thought ... Does the error specifically say that Oblivion.esm is missing? I'm thinking that your uninstall removed another ESM needed by a mod that's still installed.

Edited by Striker879
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"None of the master files used in this saved game are loaded."

Thats all i could read before it crashed. And DURRR I feel so stupid for just remembering that the launcher is alphabetical. Ughh...
I am going to re-install those mods and try to load it, see if that fixes the problem.

Edit: YES I got it. I started a clean save and it was fine. I believe the save was corrupted in a funky way xD

Thank you very much for your help :)

Edited by Zodiark10
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Don't worry, I get the same blinders on when I run into a problem on my own game.


I don't recall ever seeing an error message worded like that. Is this a game generated error (as opposed to a Windows error message)?


Something to check is that in each case that a mod has an ESM other than Oblivion.esm, make sure that the ESM is higher in your load order than the ESP that requires it (that info can be found using the vanilla Oblivion Launcher if you're unsure what ESMs a particular ESP requires ... simple single click the mod in the left hand list and the required ESMs will be shown in the pane to the right).


Have you tried a new game with the mods you wanted to uninstall uninstalled?

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