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NPC grab and assault player on activate


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Love the trim fittings!


Since this is improvised, I thought I would throw in a few observations.

For accuracy: the handle of a coffin is generally the length of, and on the sides (for pall bearers).

Without hollowing it out that lid would be heavy as hell. Else it should "slide" off.


Technically, what you have there is a sarcophagus, generally for holding coffins above ground.

With a stone texture where it is gray that would look most awesome.


Instead of side opening, what if you "insert" an invisible ramp/bump on activate/end animation?

(Think all it really needs is like a single triangle in the navmesh to get over the edge).

Or just clear the rim by raising up the NPC for a second.


BTW: Did get to see video, looks great in development!


Aside: Looked into SKKs command line to ferret out ghosting. Looks like vanilla NEVER ghosts the player, only NPCs AFAICT.

RSE II, FalloutMiami, Marked For Termination, and a few other mods apparently do in fact ghost the player.

(Which is evidently an erroneous implementation, and generally inconsistently applied).

So good to know where that setting is coming from, and just thought I would post a follow up.


In your case, ghosting the ghoul/ambusher for a moment could be appropriate by standard of general usage though.

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Looking good! Thanks for the mention in the vid, (I feel like I'm famous now). :cool:


Feral Ghoul Bite Skills by Elzee gets into the ghoul jump sequence.

Edit: Just obtained 80 human grab moves by said same author.


FWIW, having just seen they were active today, I'd suggest you flag the author down for any insights.

They are quite proficient and prolific in anim/FX department, as well as apparently quite amenable to interaction.

Edited by Blinxys
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