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[LE] Making a Treasure Vault?


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Place hundreds of refs of assorted jewels and coins. Disabled initially and enabled as wealth gets added. Thats one way


This kinda thing tends to lend to bloating if done the envisioned way. But if creative enough, a somewhat efficient way could likely be pulled off. Just a matter of putting in some time into a project

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There are some statics of coin piles. You could make or find resources of static open chests filled with gems and jewelry. Place those and as your wealth increases have them enabled or disabled. That would solve the problem of too many references if you used individual coins or gems. Wouldn't fill to the ceiling but would look plenty rich.

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There are some statics of coin piles. You could make or find resources of static open chests filled with gems and jewelry. Place those and as your wealth increases have them enabled or disabled. That would solve the problem of too many references if you used individual coins or gems. Wouldn't fill to the ceiling but would look plenty rich.

Makes sense. How would the script work though? I'm assuming it involves making the items disabled until a set amount is placed, then have it activate and enable.

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Maybe have a chest with scripts with event OnItemAdded and also OnItemRemoved with the base object set to gold and use the item count to update a TotalWealth global variable. You don't want items popping in and out while you are looking so maybe have a script on the door that when activated to leave would check the global variable and depending on the value would enable and disable statics.



If wealth < 1000 disable pile 1, disable pile2, ..., disable pile20

if wealth >= 1001 and wealth <5000 enable pile1, disable pile2, disable pile 3, ..., disable pile20

and so on


Anyway, that's a first idea of how to approach it. Better scripters might have better ideas.

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Maybe have a chest with scripts with event OnItemAdded and also OnItemRemoved with the base object set to gold and use the item count to update a TotalWealth global variable. You don't want items popping in and out while you are looking so maybe have a script on the door that when activated to leave would check the global variable and depending on the value would enable and disable statics.



If wealth < 1000 disable pile 1, disable pile2, ..., disable pile20

if wealth >= 1001 and wealth <5000 enable pile1, disable pile2, disable pile 3, ..., disable pile20

and so on


Anyway, that's a first idea of how to approach it. Better scripters might have better ideas.

hmmm, there is that treasure vault mod someone made, maybe I can have a look at the script?

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