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Another question with Nifskope


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The first question is how do i disable back surface culling for an object in nifskope (get the texture to show up on bothsides).

The second is copying the skeletion over to a new piece of armor, is there a certain way to do this or do I just copy paste?

Thanks for your help



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To answer your first question: What you are referring to is called stenciling. Nifs don't automatically draw the texture on both sides of an object.


To add stenciling to any NiTriStrips or NiTriShape(3d object, when selected, the vertices and triangles are highlighted in the render window) follow these steps.


1) right click your chosen node(NiTriStrips or NiTriShape) , expand the block context and select insert.

2) choose NiStencilProperty from the lists that appear.

3) expand the node you right clicked(NiTriStrips or NiTriShape) and double click the number in the Num Properties line and increase it by one.

4) Right click the Properties line and expand the array context and select update.

5) Expand the properties line and double click the word NONE, changing it to the number of the NiStencilProperty node you created in step two.


That's it, your object should now be textured on both sides.


Be aware that adding the stencil property to an object doubles it's poly count.


Sorry I can't answer your second question but i haven't had good luck with bip slots and skeletons.

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