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Nexus Mods centralisation complete, we now support mods for all games


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I think what really needs improvement is the Nexus Mod manager. It is, IMO, unnecessarily complicated, really all it should have is mod list with update functionality and installation script support. It doesn't need all these tabs, it doesn't need game package activation support (for Skyrim for example, the launcher already has that feature built in), it doesn't need the multiple screens. In fact if the tabs are used, they might as well be used for the mod sorting (categories), that's the only application of them that I can see as being useful. I think I also should be able to switch servers for each mod I download, not just the whole program.
On another hand one feature is missing and that is the ability to download mod or update it or download a different version of it through the application itself.
I also think you should support torrents for mods. It's very often that the NMM or the site fails to download a large mod and then it's very annoying to redo it again. I think torrent support is very important for Nexus to have.
Is NMM written in C++ BTW? It crashes and freezes so often and so hard (very long freezing before crash, exceptions out of nowhere and so on), that it seems like badly debugged C++ code, because C# is not as sensitive to coding mistakes. To be honest for an application that works with the web C# or Python would be better. It's probably best if you just make the program Open Source (I mean it's a modding website after all) and release the source freely for people to branch and modify without having to contact anyone. The client could really make a world of difference here. I wouldn't download any mods from Steam Workshop if NMM worked well.
I also think that stuff like:
  • Requirements for mods
  • Incompatibility
  • Works with NMM?/Doesn't?/What setup is recommended
  • Recommended complementary mods
  • Common issues

Should be in their separate sections for each mod's page and should be emphasised more (and mandatory fields to fill in for the mod uploader). So that I do not look at 20 amazing screenshots, read general description, look at some more fancy stuff, install the mod and THEN find out about incompatibility at the bottom of the mod description after my game crashed 20 times. User Experience, guys. It's important. People on the internet are not known for being very patient and thorough (like how many people actually read full super-long descriptions for each mod they install in the beginning? Hint: not many).


Not too important, but still nice: some sort of file checker for the server, so I know if the file is ready and not corrupted on the server that I am downloading from.


So that's my feedback in case you want it..

Edited by Megakoresh
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I could log in NMM today, it still doesn't show my premium membership but it seems a lot smoother than it was yesterday. Thanks a lot for the great work, guys :).
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In response to post #10410226. #10410319, #10410452, #10410664, #10410800 are all replies on the same post.

Same problem for me, having seen these reports I've just checked on the other Nexus sites I use.

My Tracking Centres for Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Dragon Age and Dragon Age 2 are now empty! My Skyrim Tracking Centre is currently fine and appears to be unaffected by whatever has caused the wipe on every other Nexus game site Tracking Centres!

Is this fixable by Nexus staff? While this isn't the first time I've had a Tracking Centre wiped out this is the first time that virtually all of them have been wiped! :( I really hope these can be restored this time, there's no way I'm going to be able to remember every single mod I've ever added for tracking! :(
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Well i have 2 issues: one concerning my tracking files that when i hit the related icon it says i'm not following any file when in my tracking centre i have 3 pages of mods i track to see upgrades for them, and the other concerning the fact that i can't pick a image i endorsed and commented from my profile, when i click on it system addressed me to the main page of the site with all the game icons...
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In response to post #10410798.

Can't disagree more on the subject of game package support, that feature in NMM is absolutely essential for managing many mods (even just a few if you're unlucky). Why would I want to manage mods in NMM first and then again in the game launcher if I can have everything in one app that does it better? The last time I saw the actual game launcher was right after installing Skyrim for the first time, never missed it.
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