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problem with mods.

Crim, The Red Thunder

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I have picked up a mod every now and then that, when loaded, causes the game to display what look like variable names rather then the correct information. For instance, i get sweight for an item, sintdesc instead of description of the intelligence stat, and so on. This recurred with several mods, whose names i am not too sure of anymore... (can post if necessary...)

The point is, what causes this, and, can it be fixed?


This topic may belong better the the construction set forums, but i thought it fit better here, mods, move it if necessary.

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The unneeded 's' that appears at the start of stuff usually indicates a dirty esm. Make sure mods are clean before you load them up,and alwase back up your saves before adding a new mod. I don't think there's anything you can do...execpt disable the unclean file and start a new game.
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If the esp you suspect of causing the errors is not Bloodmoon dependent, check in the CS or with TESame to see if it has somehow acquired a bunch of GMST entries.


I've encountered this problem before, and removing the 'unclean' GMST entries sorted it.

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