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Questions about Collections


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I've worked on a medium size (almost 40gb) modlist and I've got it ready to publish but I had a couple questions that I can't seem to find the answer to under the collections support pages.


I've set the collection to download Nemesis for the animation changes but it won't let me create a patch to go with it through the collection itself (it says the files have been changed too much). Will somebody downloading the modlist have to run Nemesis to generate their outputs or will mine be uploaded to the collection behind the scenes? Or do I have to create a separate mod for outputs and upload it to go along with my collection? The same goes for bodyslides that have been generated.


Just wanted to get all of my ducks in a row before I publish the collection. Otherwise it is all ready to go. Any help from somebody more familiar with collections would be greatly appreciated.



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You should ask in the Vortex Support forum. Most Collections questions seem to go through there right now and Pickysaurus is good as answering questions.


I know that some things can't be uploaded as a mod since they are effectively alterations of someone else's work and would require permission from the original author. Bodyslide files are likely in that category since they involve re-releasing the original author's models. Nemesis might be the same. If so, it would require the user to run the tools, but there might be ways for you to make it as simple as possible.

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You should ask in the Vortex Support forum. Most Collections questions seem to go through there right now and Pickysaurus is good as answering questions.


I know that some things can't be uploaded as a mod since they are effectively alterations of someone else's work and would require permission from the original author. Bodyslide files are likely in that category since they involve re-releasing the original author's models. Nemesis might be the same. If so, it would require the user to run the tools, but there might be ways for you to make it as simple as possible.

Okay, thanks a lot. That is mainly what I want. For somebody to be able to download the list and call it a day. I feel like most people who want to use collections are doing it because they are unfamiliar with mods and mod tools like nemesis and bodyslide. They might not be able or willing to use those tools.

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