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Can I get some help?


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Welp, I uninstalled a few mods and now my game crashes right after I get done customizing my character. I am trying to uninstall all the mods I didnt have before when I was playing about three or four months ago and everything then was going great until I had a corrupt video card. I was playing every night for like five weeks. But now all of a sudden when I got it back my game just wont work. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it even reinstalled all the mods twice and it still crashes. Is there something maybe wrong with my monitor or pc rather than the game? I am going to uninstall every mod and just do them one by one and see what happens. Lets see if I am done by the end of today lol.

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Good new, its works with only f4se lol. But at a very low frame rate for some reason, even in the main menu. let me mess with my settings on my pc because I do have it set for fast fps and high quality.

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Ok, well here's something I didn't know. If you run fallout on the max settings it runs fast like even the little loading icon in sped up twice and its kind of weird and funny. Its like I sped up a video of someone playing fallout 4.

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