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Script to monitor the amount of Draugr killed


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Hello. I cannot help you script this completely. I'm merely pointing you in the direction to get you started.


You can create a global variable and use it to track how many have been killed by checking it using the race.


You'll needGetRace - Actor.


Therefore, if the target killed is not a draugr, nothing would happen. But if it is, it'll check the amount of them killed.

You'll have to set the global to 100. And use int count =- 1 to count down from each draugr killed, or vice versa(which would then be int count =+ 1).

That's the best I can do for you.

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Basicaly i would use a cloak effect to attach a script to those in fight with me.

Like the tutorial http://www.creationkit.com/Dynamically_Attaching_Scripts


The applying effect check if the target is dead and if it is a draugr race.


And then add +1 to your global variable.


I think it's the easyest way. Correct me if i'm wrong

Forgive my bad english, i'm french :)

Edited by koryushin
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Ok I've got the script working and have tested it using the console command GetGlobalValue. However how do I put it into a message box, for example:

Debug.Notification("Killcount: VariableName) ;VariableName is the name of the global variable.



It's better to use an actual message box created in the CK and then use it as a property in the script and call it, but to show the amount killed, etc is a different procedure that I don't know how to do.


So... for Debug:

Debug.Notification("Number of Draugr Killed:" +GlobalVariableName.GetValue())

Btw, there is no way to get the number to show up as a pure int, even if you use GetValueInt(). It's always gonna show up as a float. (ex. 50 killed would be 50.000000)

Edited by Terra Nova
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