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Overlays and Facepaint wont show up


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Hey all

I am using synth skin looksmenu overlay edit (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35269) but am having trouble getting it to actually show up in game. I have all the prerequisites installed properly, and working, at least to the best of my knowledge, and I haven't yet identified any conflicts. Its just a texture, so im not sure that load order is applicable here, though the prerequisites should be in the correct order. I have used this mod successfully in the past, though I have noticed the mod author deleted an old file that *was* a prerequisite but was no longer needed for the mod im using. I messaged the mod author and havent got an answer back, as of yet. Google yields few relevant results, so I figured I'd ask the forum if you all had any ideas. Thanks so much for any help in advance.

Edit: after finding a deleted copy of the mod and moving thing around in my load order, i was able to get the tattoos and face paint replacer to work, in addition to the synth line overlays. now all that I am having difficulty with, is how to get the body entirely white, as pictured in the mod.

Edited by wildgravity
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  • 4 weeks later...

im still troubleshooting this issue if anyone has any ideas, or another mod that can add all white bodypaint

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Beyond that, users would have to select another overlay mod and replace part of it with mine, such as another tattoo overlay mod.

Have you changed the name of the texture?
You may need to replace the texture you want to use with a replacement overlay mod texture, in which case you will need to change the name of the texture.
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