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Simply don't understand the plugin limit?


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I recently learned that the authors of Buffout have a related and very helpful crash analyser that will generate a much more informative report using the crash log. Highly recommended. Tbh there is no point having just the crash logs as they are unintelligible to non-computer-engineers. The analyser is great.
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This is something I am very familiar with as I run a game pretty much at the maximum mods. Others have given good advice, but I think as I run my game literally at the max, I have a lot of experience with juggling mods to keep my game running.


From what I understand, there is 256 Master Slots. The main game DLC goes in these slots too, so that gives you IIRC a limit of 248 Masters. These are your ESPs usually.

Then one of those Master slots is also reserved for your "Light Masters" which you can have 255. Creation Club content uses this level of mod slots. These are your ESLs usually.


Now, one thing to note, if you have too many mods your game won't crash on startup, it will crash when you try to actually enter the game itself, at least in my experience.


I would recommend using something like LOOT to verify that too many mods is your issue, as it will tell you that you have mods double loaded.

Absolut: You are pretty much spot on, except that your figures are ever-so-slightly off.

By one.

The hard limit is 255 not 256. :wink:


The main Fallout4.esm counts against the hard limit, making available (regular) mod slots 254. Those are then also automatically counted against by any DLC the player has.

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I recently learned that the authors of Buffout have a related and very helpful crash analyser that will generate a much more informative report using the crash log. Highly recommended. Tbh there is no point having just the crash logs as they are unintelligible to non-computer-engineers. The analyser is great.

Trust me, even we have to go onto the internet to see what those crash log codes mean. ;) :laugh:


Another problem with the game crash log, is that they're often incomplete. As soon as the game crashes, so does the logger. :wallbash:

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Thank you guys for all your help, Really appreciate it!


i'm at it again, try to setup/clean my load order, so far no crashes.. now i'd started to use Vilance's BA2 Merge Kit, and its working great no errors so far!..

Only now i'd have to wait to see what and when it happens next :laugh:


i'm at 198 ESP's and its still working, can it be that i've had too many ba2 files before? last time i only had about 150 esp's but after i'd started using the BA2 Merge Kit, my game is still working


Again i do apologize for my english, i hope you guys can understand most of it :D

Edited by fungus111
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@phantomhate checks can mostly be accomplished though QAC (quick autoclean) which should be habit for any new mod before merging, converting or anything else.

But you are right; it is required to check all these again in fo4edit further after QAC for you full load out.


@AbsolutGrndZero Loot always breaks everything on me. Seems like useless tech-snootery to me. :geek:

(Of course, I thought the same of QAC so I may change my mind, if it ever works).

Sorting masters once LO is established has given me surprisingly good results.

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