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Which race do you prefer?


What race do you play/prefer?  

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  1. 1. What race do you play/prefer?

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  On 1/3/2014 at 2:42 AM, Sonreac said:

Strangely enough, I prefer Dunmer. From too many years of playing D&D and AD&D, I always expect them to start blathering on about Lloth and spider demons. That and I like mods that make them "pretty" simply due to them being better than those sun loving...errrrrr....I mean. Yeah. Dunmer are awesome!

Haha, Drow are pretty cool. That Lolth though...

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My first character ever was a Dumner. I just loved lighting things on fire. I made him a psychopath who killed every non-essential character in the game. My highest bounty was around 67,000 in Whiterun Hold. It came to the point where I could attack the Jarl and the guards were all dead so no one could stop me. I also couldn't buy anything from the shop keepers because they were all dead. So the Dark Elves have a special place in my heart.


Second would be Breton, third would be Khajiit. I felt the human characters were too...boring.

I eventually played as my first Female character: an Imperial, and currently this is the character I am playing on my modded Dragonborn playthrough with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have played a Nord or an Imperial the most, I have an Argonian female called Lifts-Her-Tail because the Lusty Argonian Maid makes me laugh, and I have just begun an Orc and an Altmer.


Is it just me or do you get the same responses from NPCs when you are an Altmer in Skyrim? Aren't they supposed to be so hating they'll be really nasty towards you? *scratches head*

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My first ever Skyrim playthrough was as an Orc. Then I got into the lore for real (helps playing on a computer and not on a xbox with a crappy old tv you can hardly see a thing on) and decided it would be fun to play as a Nord. I got a bit sick of him so now I play as an Argonian because I like lizards and find their culture really fascinating.

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nords hand down and thats for every class

they just th' best looking and from mid level playing it doesn't really matter anymore what stats you start with

most og the race starting abillities tend to become insignificant but a nord warcry stays a handy power for when things really get out of hand


oog-h and they are the best looking ones but i already said that

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