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Gauntlet hands for non humanoids


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Hey everyone,


I hope this has not already been requested before..if so i'm very sorry and I would really thank profusely anybody who gives me the link to the mod that does this.


Okay here goes, quite basically, I'm using an orc and i'm...well, green. as shrek. But when i put on iron gauntlets or any gloves that reveal some fingers, these fingers are human fingers. And I've checked with orc mummy, my dad's really Ghorbash. So what's happening here?


Anybody to make a kind of mesh replacement? Total kudos to anybody who replies this in anyway. :blush:

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I'm pretty sure fingers are always your skin tone when you equip open gloves, and Argonians/Khajiit keep scales/fur. Iron gauntlets, btw, cover all hand.

What bothers me most is that beast races have claws. Yep, badly made pointy nails, but "claws".

But some gloves remove them and you have only normal human nails. I'm fixing this, both the look of claws and the said glitch.

Edited by Derok
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orc-trouble? may i introduce myself, orc-char-gamer for like 15 years now.


first, all regular gauntlets work fine for orcs, i never had problems with skin-tone (as green as possible). now, after making my first armor, i have 2 ideas whats wrong with your game.


first, another mod f up your gear, like for example you scored some modded gear that was done in a bad way and linked the body-parts visible to a custom skin texture instead of linking it to the regular one from skyrim.

second, a body mod f sth up, like your gauntlets dont work with the body you use.

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Hey everyone, thank you so much for the quick responses!


I've just looked at the screenshots placed by ghosu and now i realise that that's leather on the iron gauntlets!!? NOW I SEE! :ohmy:


Well. That was a massive waste of space for this mod request. I'm terribly sorry to anyone and everyone who has read this.


And a big big big kudos and thank you to derok, ghosu and chicky540. You guys didn't have to reply, but you did. Appreciate it. Thanks and this thread is considered closed now i think?

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Actually, it's the opposite. I love how Bethesda at least gave claws to Beast Races in Skyrim. But I don't like the look of them so I made some realistic looking recurve claws.

What bothers me is that some gloves just remove the claws, so I want to fix this too.

If you have a Khajiit/Argonian character try to equip hide bracers and you will notice claws disappear. It's quite immersion breaking.

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youre welcome, yangodango, thx for the thx ... though... well, not seeing that its leather ... that was quite an arrow to the knee :D


*runs from ppl trying to slap me for bringing up the arrow* ... cu around, have some fun :wink:


oh, hey, heres some stuff especially useful for orcs:




and this one for some fun:



note to self --> *gotta figure out how to add my mod-links to my signature*

Edited by chicky540
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