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[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R


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In response to post #10677070.

So when i get you right they cut the connection for the old version. After that saying "please use the new one so we can learn".


Why bother saying please when the user is forced anyway to use the new version? I dont like that kind of humor.


If I would say "please" the user would have a choice...



Dark0ne's post wasn't intended to be "humorous" He explained why 0.45 had to be disconnected, and you aren't "forced" to use NMM at all. We would like you to do so, hence the "please". But know that if you do, then events like this are part of what you signed-up for when you clicked "I agree" on a piece of beta software.

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Im using NM 46 but when i click "download NMM" it won't download on the Nexus Mod Manager? Are there still problems being solved? I've been waiting for 2 weeks for it to be fixed, and yes I AM online on NMM..


Is it just me or am i doing something wrong..?

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Make sure you are signed into Windows with a administrator account (this will not work if you are not an Administrator)

Using the Windows explorer (NOT internet explorer) find the NMM folder where you installed it

find NexusClient.exe - this is the NMM program

RIGHT click on it. Then - down at the bottom of the list , LEFT click on 'Properties'

On the properties pop up, click on the Compatibility tab

At the bottom of the compatibility page - find and click on 'Run this Program as an Administrator' - it should show a check mark

Now - before closing click on 'Apply' - then 'OK' at the bottom of the pop up window.

This fixes the most common problem - not having admin privileges for the NMM program.


It can also be blocked by your Firewall or Antivirus

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Just got done endorseing my mods,and found out that any mod that was downloaded when site was broke is not being assigned in cateorgy or being accreaded to my acc. . so I could not endorse. should be fixed,not fare to author or me. I have not had any prob. with new nmm(46.0).I'm new to all this ,2-3 mo. but downloading is slow with 46.0 Ihope that this will change sometime soon, but on the bright side, i did get a lot of exp. with load order and common sence work arounds. I didnt wright to ...itch or wine, Ijust wanted you to know, its all good,thanks for all the hard work.! from a happy Skyrim camper, :thumbsup:

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I could not login with the previous NMM and could not update. I could not find instructions on updating NMM except "You can safely update to 0.46 without uninstalling anything." by a moderator below. I want clear official instructions because I do not want to lose the info on previously installed mods.


Update instructions: just download the latest version of NMM and install (on top of the old version).

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I want clear official instructions because I do not want to lose the info on previously installed mods.


Then don't agree to install and use beta software.


Beta software is for those who have a good understanding of how things work, are willing to take chances with something that might not, always have a complete back-up in case they don't, and most importantly, can shrug and say, "Oh well... here's what was learned." when it all goes sideways.


Beta software is, by its nature, buggy. The developers are constantly trying new things in their efforts to improve it. They will not always provide the kind of step-by-step instructions for end-users that one might expect with a formally released package.


If you need that level of stability, (or hand-holding) I recommend waiting for ver. 1.0.

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Just got done endorseing my mods,and found out that any mod that was downloaded when site was broke is not being assigned in cateorgy or being accreaded to my acc. . so I could not endorse. should be fixed,not fare to author or me.


Yeah, Dark0ne apologized for this. You can always re-download the mods (use the "Manual" option) and they'll be in your history. Then you can Endorse. :thumbsup:

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Hi. Just went premium for the first time. Thanks for the hours of entertainment. Having trouble downloading 46. Whenever I click the link to download, it acts like it wants to download it but then the download popup just goes white and nothing happens. Is it just because the servers are so busy, or should I be worried? Or am I just not that savvy? Thanks for any advice you can provide.
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