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CBBE Installation Instructions Ambiguity


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[Note: This refers to an Adult content page.]

I've downloaded the required CBBE mod files for Skyrim and am going through the instructions under the "Installation" header at this page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198?tab=description - and there's a necessary file conflict problem after step 2 which is not addressed in the instructions.

Step 2 asks you to install the contents of the "00 Required (Slim)" folder into the Skyrim Data folder, which is not a problem. But step 3 asks you to install the contents of whatever body folder you want to use into that same Skyrim Data folder.

The problem is that the contents of both the "00 Required (Slim)" folder and any of the body type folders (01-05) you choose contain a sub-folder named "Meshes." So if you install any of the items from step 3 onward you get an immediate conflict of attempting to install multiple files named "Meshes" into the Skyrim Data folder. (The same conflict is true for steps 4, 5 and 6 - all of them contain sub-folders named "Meshes.")

How do I get around this problem? Does anyone know of a more comprehensive installation manual for mods like this (yes, I'm a totally clueless newbie to installing Skyrim mods.)

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The instructions are intentional, as a "default". The 00 Required folder also contains files for Bodyslide and the texture files.

The rest is optional meshes to replace Slim if you prefer, or if you are going to use Bodyslide to create the body you want.


All the files are set up to work easily when installed with a mod manager. You should look into getting one.

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