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I love this idea. Simply put. Though I wouldn't go as far as horns. Currently, I'm playing an 'evil' set dark elf. Would be nice to actually have some morality. Goody-goody, wouldn't be able to get near the brotherhood or the thieves guild without getting jumped.. that sort of thing. I mean seriously O.o when you think about it.. What would a 'good' set character be doing in the guild or even chasing the heels of assassins? From the beginning, I wish they would have put in different things for different morality lined characters to do.


Like.. you can wipe out the dark brotherhood.. but the guild remains O.o ... I know most good people, the lioness chick in Riften coming to mind almost instantly, wants to wipe out the guild. Sees them as bad. And there's mention in the town that a lot of people have a strong dislike for the guild.


Whereas bad, depending on the level of bad you are, could join the fractions and even knock miss lioness around a bit.

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I don't think it should have to go as far as wiping out entire factions. It can just be a simple morality meter, with how people treat you affected by your morality status.


As far as physical changes based on the status of said morality meter, perhaps something more subtle than horns. Maybe it could be eye color. For instance; if you have good morality, your eyes could turn a bright color (blue/white/grey/green), but if you have bad morality then they turn a more dark and drastic color (dark grey\yellow\orange\red).

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can someone totally awesome make a morality mod. something similar to fable or mass effect, when you do good or bad stuff your characters appearance changes. depending what decisions you make.


Once again, this was something that Bethesda was at least toying with, but left uncompleted in the released software.


In the Creation Kit, in the menue of Gameplay-> Settings:


fAlignEvilMaxKarma -250

fAlginGoodMinKarma 250

fAlignMaxKarma 1000

fAlignMinKarma -1000

fAlignVeryEvilMaxKarma -750

fAlignVeryGoodMinKarma 750








iKarmaMax 1000

iKarmaMin -1000



Clearly these Global variables were part of what was intended to become a Karma System, but was evidently never implemented.


It may have been the stirrings of the Skyrim MMO which led to these variables being abandoned.


As global variables, they are linked to a game at a level outisde of the factors held by an individual player character, so in a MMO, the whole system would have to be scrapped, and redone with variables targeted and attached to a player character.


The karma system may have been attached to the player in the same way that the number of absorbed dragon souls is tracked, and we just do not have any documentation about those new-cast variables.


Clearly there are many things happening in a running edition of Skyrim that are not visable and adjustable from the creation kit.




These came from the remains of fallout. Not that there is no way to implement it into skyrim, but who knows if that was ever an intention of the devs

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