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Still doing the math for the arctic wolf faction but here here are proportions to help.


The males are:

4'6" - 6'7" total height, a tail of 1'3" - 2'1" for balance, and an approximate ear size of 5". They have a skull that is 1'- 1'2" long, and 7" - 8" wide.


The females are:

4'2.8" - 6'1.9" total height, a tail of 1'2" - 1'11" for balance, oddly wolf ear size varies more being 4.3" - 5.2". They have a skull that is 11"- 1'0.8" long, and 6.1" - 7" wide.


Like in humans, the hind leg bones are the longest bones in the body. (maybe excluding the spine/tail) And are i grouped the legs into four sections. Top, Middle, Feet, and Toes. Top and middle would be the top and bottom of a human's leg. While being digitigrade the foot is split into two sections one extending the legs. So if they stop toe-walking their height drops by the length of the foot bone.

In males:

2'2.16" - 3'2.28"

  • Top: 6.6" - 9.6"
  • Middle: 10.92" - 1'3.96"
  • Feet: 8.76" - 1'0.72"
  • Toes: 1.8" - 2.52"

In females:

2'0.6" - 2'11.88"

  • Top: 6.12" - 9"
  • Middle: 10.2" - 1'3"
  • Feet: 8.16" - 1'
  • Toes: 1.68" - 2.4"

Still doing measurements for the torso and arms. I'm using an anatomical model for a canine and referencing it with the human skeleton. However I'm having trouble finding a female canine diagram, so proportions are based on the male skeleton.


I heard from dinnergaming, seems s/he is having computer issues and that is why they are not responding.

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I am not making any promises, but I am playing around in Zbrush just getting myself back into using it again and remembering where all the tools are. Give me an idea of what you want modeled, and if the creative bug strikes me, I will send the model your way.


But like I said, no promises, I am just a Zbrush artist who hasn't used Zbrush in a year and is trying to shake the dust off on my modeling skills.

Yeah if you were really good it might be worth trying, but if your rusty *and* using Zbrush it's probably not going to be a winning combination. I mean sometimes it's hard to get nifs working 100% correctly via blender and it has a whole order of magnitude better support for fallout than Zbrush.....unless something has changed and Zbrush has new import/export scripts & tools now. Do you have to import and export via Obj?


Up to you brother, I guess it just depends on how motivated you are.


Anyway it's models of anthropomorphic animals and the edited armor for them. We have some races already. Probably should have a little post that's like a mini wiki to list resources.



It is as simple as export whatever model I have as an Obj and the texture files as Targas. Zbrush can export as almost anything, there just aren't really any game engine tools available for it on the open market.


Then I will open it up with whatever program is most compatible with the game engine I am using. I was working on several indie projects and as a result have legal versions of a variety of game industry software I invested in.


So when I was building in the Crytech Engine, I would export as an Obj, open it in Maya, and then export as a Crytech specific file. With Unreal I always use Max, and with Unity I can use either or.




Being rusty just effects your speed, once you know how to model something you always know how to model something. It is all just a matter of how long it takes you to remember where such and such tool is located in the sub menu or which button you have to click to render out your normal maps.




Anyways, 'anthropomorphic animals' is really too broad for me to know what you are looking for. Do you want the full thing, or do you want separate feet, tail, and hands that you are going to attach to vanilla assets? Is there a certain kind of animal that you want?

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Anyways, 'anthropomorphic animals' is really too broad for me to know what you are looking for. Do you want the full thing, or do you want separate feet, tail, and hands that you are going to attach to vanilla assets? Is there a certain kind of animal that you want?


My idea was to take the Type 3 base for females, and Breezes base for males.

I am currently working on the Arctic Wolf faction (I'll get to that later) so examples will base on that.

  1. Would be to re-proportion the legs to be more like said animals proportions.
  2. Would be to adjust the arms to reflect the proportions of the animal skeleton.
  3. Would be to make a head with the animal's features.
  4. Would be adjusting the torso as needed. For instance a reptilian/avian species not having breasts due to the lack of mammary glands.

The Arctic Faction is:

Genetically 36% wolf 34% malamute, and 30% human.


So the torso would be pretty much human with fur. The tail a place I'd leave for artistic interpretation. Hands and feet would naturally develop as 4 main toes with fighting claws. With a smaller dewclaw for keeping hold of prey.

  • Dewclaws would be left up to your digression. I think they would set the model apart. However lore-wise it would make sense for them to remove them near birth. As snagging a dewclaw can cause crippling injury and they could use tools to make up for the loss. On the front paw dewclaws could double as thumbs.
  • If at anytime you think something will work better I'd encourage you to try it and link so we can all weigh in on it. As this project is ultimately for the users.
  • I'll try to find some good example pictures of ideas I have. For instance most people do the standard canidae tail. But a tail like http://jesonite.deviantart.com/art/ANN-MARIE-Old-Ref-Sheet-103554712 would show off the Malamute part of the DNA. In that case the tail length would be for the tail unrolled.
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If you re-proportion the legs, won't that create an issue when you rig it to the human skeleton to have it animated in the game?

I'm not sure, perhaps if the leg the same general length it would work.



I'm not a expert on how the animations and skinning work in Fallout, but if you were to skin something like that in Maya, every time the leg would bend at the knee, the entire part that is different would warp into a really unnatural bendy shape that doesn't even slightly resemble a bent knee.


Changing the way the leg bends is far, far beyond my ability when it comes to Fallout modding.

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If you re-proportion the legs, won't that create an issue when you rig it to the human skeleton to have it animated in the game?

I'm not sure, perhaps if the leg the same general length it would work.



I'm not a expert on how the animations and skinning work in Fallout, but if you were to skin something like that in Maya, every time the leg would bend at the knee, the entire part that is different would warp into a really unnatural bendy shape that doesn't even slightly resemble a bent knee.


Changing the way the leg bends is far, far beyond my ability when it comes to Fallout modding.


In that case I guess changing the feet would be better until that issue is figured out.

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In that case I guess changing the feet would be better until that issue is figured out.



That seems easy enough, I would need a picture to know what kind of feet to model.


I'll browse image sites tomorrow and get back to you.

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It is as simple as export whatever model I have as an Obj and the texture files as Targas. Zbrush can export as almost anything, there just aren't really any game engine tools available for it on the open market.

Yeah this is what I was referring to, if your comfortable with the work flow that's great, but have you imported a rigged model into FO3/NV before?


Being rusty just effects your speed, once you know how to model something you always know how to model something. It is all just a matter of how long it takes you to remember where such and such tool is located in the sub menu or which button you have to click to render out your normal maps.

Not in my case, but no need to derail the thread with a sub topic.


My idea was to take the Type 3 base for females, and Breezes base for males.

I don't know if I'v been away from the thread too long (and had forgotten the type3/Breeze), or if I just missed this in the earlier posts, but this makes the whole project *much* more manageable. I thought you were looking for new, original models, editing existing ones greatly simplifies the task.


I'm not a expert on how the animations and skinning work in Fallout, but if you were to skin something like that in Maya, every time the leg would bend at the knee, the entire part that is different would warp into a really unnatural bendy shape that doesn't even slightly resemble a bent knee.

Yeah going to far outside the meshes proportions can be a trainwreck, but with every model I'v worked with there is at least a little bit of wriggle room. You make some edits, you run the nif through some animations, refine the edits etc.


Changing the way the leg bends is far, far beyond my ability when it comes to Fallout modding.

Not really relevant, as we won't be changing anything in the amateur.....we need to use a standard skeleton so it can be a npc/player. Doesn't mean one can't use a custom skeleton, as long as everyone uses it (and they have to).

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