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The model looks like it is going in the exact direction. As for textures it will be compleatly covered with fur, but I'm planning on doing the texture myself. One of the things I am good with is making digital art.


(When I get back from work I'll give some ideas)

Edited by Improvman
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I didn't hear back from you on what resources you wanted. However I have the next two days off, so I'll compile refrence pictures, proportion mesurments, and a text document describing ideas in a .zip/.7z package.


If any of that is unneeded, if you need additional resources, or if you have issues/concerns. Then don't hestitate to contact me.



Meant to add this onto the last post. I apologize to the moderators for this breach of protocol.


(Had a wave of customers, so didn't get the days off I was planning on. I'll try to get it finished in my freetime.)


The Nexus won't let me post from my phone for some odd reason, and I only check this website once a week or so... It is too depressing being on here, too many negative people... It is like one big Bethesda hate club...


But I got the general idea, a human with wolf attributes, primarily the legs and hands. I am unclear on whether you want the whole thing to be furry, so I am just going to roll with whatever looks best as I sculpt.


I am making no promises as to how someone is going to get these legs working right on the New Vegas rig, that is all beyond me, but throwing together a Zbrush model is simple enough for me.



Well I doubt it'll be hard to make digitigrade feet, people have been able to make skeleton mods that add compatibility for tails, wings etc. I believe so a simple feature like the three jointed legs would be a somewhat easy, though possibly very technical thing to do.

Edited by Lazerlatte
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Are you saying that Zbrush isn't digital art?


I can unwrap it and give you a UV map, or I can project any kind of image you make, just tell me what you are more comfortable with.




Any changes to the proportions before I continue?


I'm not saying Zbrush isn't art, just not a medium I'm familiar with.


I have experiance doing spritework so, if you gave me a UV map and a picture showing how that map fits. I'm sure I could make something good.


As for proportions, give me until 5pm UTC-6.


One thing I want to point out is Izumiko was kind enough to let us use the T6M mods assets.


And from what I've read the Breezes base is free to use as long as the terms in the mod pack are followed.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Any progress at all?

I don't want to get into specifics, because that would be too personal. But since the last post a lot of my time was spent arguing with my medical issuance company.


But that is all resolved now so unless I'm called in to work last minute I should be done with measurements tomorrow.

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Any progress at all?

I don't want to get into specifics, because that would be too personal. But since the last post a lot of my time was spent arguing with my medical issuance company.


But that is all resolved now so unless I'm called in to work last minute I should be done with measurements tomorrow.



I hope your ok and glad that things with your medical insurance company are fixed.

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