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Recall Ablity/perk/whatever


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Hello all, Well time again for me to send out an Idea I had.... Yes the ability to recall yourself and followers to a certain spot regardless of whether it is an inside cell or outside cell. I have been through about 10 or so pages of searches using various forms of the word (teleport, transport, recall, etc.) and have yet come across anybody who has mentioned or requested it so i am putting it out there. Not sure how popular the idea is but i will relate to you my reasoning behind the request before i go into further detail about the mod. Well i was wandering around the wasteland about a week or so back and came across a few places that i thought would make a very good image (screen shot), I then went about basically triangulating the position in relation to various map-markers and got to thinking there has got to be a better way. What if i had an item in my inventory that allowed me the ability to place a marker (be it an x marker, COC marker map marker, whatever) and give me a list of the markers i have already set previously (kind of like a save point if you will) that i could "Fast Travel" to. As i continued on my journey around the wastes the idea kept gnawing at me as i went from place to place and as i thought more and more about it. So i did some digging and found the closest thing i could come up with is a mod that added extra map markers, which was fine for the exteriors (he actually had one close to where i wanted it but...) but what if i wanted to port to an interior cell that i thought would make an interesting screeny?


So my Idea is this, laid out as plainly as my ADHD mind can conjure; Somehow (be it through a quest, or just stumble upon some ancient prototype model somewhere) you receive an item, that when used will open a menu (similar to the CASM menu) that gives you a few options. Place Marker, Remove Marker, Teleport to marker, and an Exit button. when you click on one (except exit of course) it will open a list of i would say maybe 10-15 self labeled marker points (i.e. "mountain overlook"or "Empty Marker") that you will then be able to place, remove or teleport to. Now i know what you are thinking; Riven if you know what you want then why don't you make the mod and release it? Well the answer would be "I would if i knew anything about how to script it", as i know next to nothing about scripting my attempts at it have FAILED miserably. What i was trying to do was have the "item" place an x-marker in a spot then make it where when you click the button use the moveto command to "teleport" you to it. Now if someone is willing to walk me through HOW to do it then i will give it another go, if not then I put it to you F3 Mod Community to see this idea come to life. If not then it will wither away and die, at least until i can learn a ton more about scripting.... Anyway, any one wanna have a go at it? if not then just share your thoughts on if you think it would be a good idea/bad idea. But, simply say its a bad idea will get you no where, you must give a reason why you thinking it wouldn't be a good idea, you have heard my reasons why i think it would be a good idea and i want to here what all of you think as well. Maybe if there is enough of a following some one will actually undertake it. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and for everyone who is involved in one shape or another with the Fallout world; From the beginnings of Fallout 1 to the various communities of Modders and players

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I would check with Cipscis over at The Storm Raven Library in the Master Scholars forum.


TGBlank, is also over there working on his Blanks Force Powers, a mod that will be creating new perks.


I think I see some similar connections between what you're talking about, and what they're doing.


No doubt that putting the three of you together would help you in the realization of your goal.




Storm Raven



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Well, I can't really help, but I think it would be better if you could actually type in what you want them to be called. Also, do you want to place them like the existing map markers, or on your location? anyway, all I can say are things I think might be problems. For example, if I set one up inside raven rock, or if I can place them like existing map markers, can I access new areas? Anyway, I'm not an amazing scripter, the best I can even think of is something like having the fast travel things (I really don't know what they are), have them underground or something, and make it so that they can only be fast travelled to when placed, and to place them you need to use something like Placeatme (I'm not really sure how this function works though). However, like this you would only be able to place a limited amount of markers, and I don't even know how to make menus yet so...


Anyway, I like the idea, not something I would personally use, but thats just my preference.

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Well, I can't really help, but I think it would be better if you could actually type in what you want them to be called. Also, do you want to place them like the existing map markers, or on your location? anyway, all I can say are things I think might be problems. For example, if I set one up inside raven rock, or if I can place them like existing map markers, can I access new areas? Anyway, I'm not an amazing scripter, the best I can even think of is something like having the fast travel things (I really don't know what they are), have them underground or something, and make it so that they can only be fast travelled to when placed, and to place them you need to use something like Placeatme (I'm not really sure how this function works though). However, like this you would only be able to place a limited amount of markers, and I don't even know how to make menus yet so...


Anyway, I like the idea, not something I would personally use, but thats just my preference.


Actually having the ability to name your location to what you want is part of what i was trying to get across in my initial post, sorry for any confusion. The fast travel things are infact map markers that you travel to and from what i can tell you can not place them in interior cells only exteriors, However that is why i was saying to use the x-markers to drop and then in the script when you select the place you want to go to it would use the command player.moveto ...xmarker ref (yes i know a little about scroipting, but not enough to pull this mod off :P.) and the limited number (even though if they are xmarkers i don't think it would have one but i would say about 15-20 markers should be more then plenty to work with honestly.




I would check with Cipscis over at The Storm Raven Library in the Master Scholars forum.


TGBlank, is also over there working on his Blanks Force Powers, a mod that will be creating new perks.


I think I see some similar connections between what you're talking about, and what they're doing.


No doubt that putting the three of you together would help you in the realization of your goal.




Storm Raven



Hehe I did PM Cipscis with the Idea, However he hasn't gotten back with me on it. I am in total understanding that he is a busy man these days, so was only half expecting an answer.


I really think that this mod would probably turn out to be a decent addition to the fallout world as it really wouldn't be lore breaking to say have some ghoul who has developed the technique through his time with radiation and meditation to actually teleport, Meet up with the player at some point during the game. After maybe doing a small collections quest or something the ghoul Teaches you this "Gift" (maybe when you actually use the teleporting be exposed to a certain amount of radiation to accomplish it) out of gratitude. Hehe i tried to go about it with out a major deal of scripting and as i said FAILED miserably...or maybe i just dun know what i am doing :P (always at least part of my problem haha)

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Hmm, let's get a bit more serious on the subject then...


Needed elements:


A marker item, must be static so it doesn't havoc you to oblivion and must have no mesh, i recommend activators for this, let's call them RecallerI



Caller items (RCallerI), activators to be precise, the first should be persistent and named (let's call it caller1Ref), placed on a custom dummy cell named cTwilightZoneCallers, the cell should have no other objects of the same type as the caller items.


Short ID
Short Deployed
Ref RecallRef

Begin OnActivate Player
 If (Deployed)
   If (RecallRef)
     Player.MoveTo RecallRef 0 0 20
     ;Marker doesn't exist, can't recall
     Set Deployed to 0
   If (RecallRef)
     RecallRef.MoveTo Player
     Set RecallRef to Player.PlaceAtMe RecallerI 1
   Set Deployed to 1


A startup quest, let's call it RecallStartupQ, may be used to set up more interesting things in the future.


SCN RecallQS

;general variables of the mod will go here, also variables for values that got to pass between components
Short CallID
Short ActionID




A lil quest to call when recalling, just store the desired action on the variables of RecallQ, and "startquest RCallerQ". The quest will do the rest.



;For CallID 0 means use the last or create new, another number means re-use/call/overwrite
;For Action IDs: 1 is recall, 2 is create/modify, 3 is remove, 0 is nothing
Ref TRef ;Temporal ref variable to be used in the loops

Begin GameMode
If (RecallQ.ActionID)
	If (RecallQ.CallID)
		If (RecallQ.ActionID == 3);This shouldn't happen
			Set RecallQ.ActionID to 0
		ElseIf (RecallQ.ActionID == 2)
			Set TRef to caller1Ref.PlaceAtMe RCallerI 1
			Set TRef.ID to GetNumRefsInCell cTwilightZoneCallers 21 
			printc "Caller code: %f", TRef.ID
			TRef.Activate Player 1
			Set RecallQ.ActionID to 0
	Set TRef to GetFirstRefInCell cTwilightZoneCallers 21
	Label 1
		If (TRef)
			If (TRef.ID == RecallQ.CallID)
				If (RecallQ.ActionID == 3)
					Set TRef.Deployed to 0
					Disable TRef.RecallRef
					MarkForDelete TRef.RecallRef
					Set TRef.ID to 0
					Set TRef.RecallRef to 0
					If (RecallQ.CallID != 1)
					Set RecallQ.ActionID to 0
				ElseIf (RecallQ.ActionID == 2)
					Set TRef.Deployed to 0
				ElseIf (RecallQ.ActionID == 1)
					Set TRef.Deployed to 1
				TRef.Activate Player 1
				Set RecallQ.ActionID to 0
			Set TRef to GetNextRef
			GoTo 1
			If (RecallQ.ActionID == 2)
				;Id not found, creating new instead
				Set RecallQ.CallID to 0
				Set RecallQ.ActionID to 0
	;End of Loop
	StopQuest RCallerQ
	;Do nothing



Missing the stuff to make the menu... i may do it later.. or not :P depends on lazyness.



Info should anyone feels brave enough to do the menu:

To modify an existing caller, store 2 on ActionID, and the caller's number on CallID, to go there, store 1 on ActionID, to delete, use ActionID of 3.

To use the last CallID used or create a new one (with ActionID == 2), use a CallID of 0.

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Hmm, let's get a bit more serious on the subject then...


{{{{ALOT OF CODE STUFF}}}}}}}}}


Missing the stuff to make the menu... i may do it later.. or not :P depends on lazyness.


BAM!!!!!! and there is where my head explodes >.<

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Well, that was me being greedy by making a system able to support a virtually unlimited amount of recall points. Something more rational can be made if the number is fixed... but that's boring to code :P



So sort of like a regular save system for the game?

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