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Pirates Cove - Trying to revive this mod!


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im more or less done with a skeleton system for recruiting crew without the need of follower mods. Just wondering would it be of any use at this point of time. I'm hoping to build on top of the content of the others.

Edited by fantasy19
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If anyone has interiors that need to be made for quests they want to work on, please collaborate with me, as I can make any room to your specifications for the related quest(s). I haven't made any interiors as I don't know who or what is being worked on.



MJAB98, (and other interested quest designers)

on that note, I want to create the escape tunnel from Pirate's Cove to the back of the glacier valley, however I need someone to make it a quest-accessed area only. I envision a particularly complex quest in which Pirate's Cove receives word that they will be invaded by a special navy force from Solitude (custom cloths and all made by someone willing). The player would be first be contacted by a random pirate the same way as a courier and be told that the town will soon be attacked. When the player gets back to Pirate's Cove, they will see pirates running around readying for battle with cannon sounds blasting in the background. Then a short cut scene plays of the ships on fire in the harbor. After that cut scene, the Solitude Naval Ship will be docked and the other ships in the harbor are seen sunk, mast sticking out of the water on fire as Solitude troops are running down the docks engaging pirates. Basically from here the pirates are overwhelmed and quest notifies the player to escape. After the escape, the pirates are being held captured there in Pirate's Cove and the player has to go ALL THE WAY around, dip into the water and sneak on board their ship (sound familiar?), and use the cannons to attack the troops standing on the docks, most troops die, some run around in fear, then the player runs into town freeing the pirates and saving Pirate's Cove.

I have no idea how hard it would be accomplish the making of this quest, but I think it would be the culmination of all quests after the player has stolen countless goods from across the land and kidnapped women from Solitude, particularly if possible, Elisif herself. I believe it holds a lot of potential for some more dynamic things to happen as well, such as the player can decide to have all the remaining troops executed or taken capture, or converted to pirate's themselves. Maybe a dialogue scene with the captain of the navy force before he dies, perhaps he had a romance with Elisif or whomever triggered their arrival in Pirate's Cove. Perhaps even after becoming the 'head-pirate' of Pirate's Cove, the former pirate leader becomes jealous and actually informed Solitude of Pirate's Cove where-abouts to get back at the player. So many interesting ideas to choose from, in-fact they all could be rolled in together.

So what I would do is build the interior to the escape passage, make it challenging, and build the interior to the massive Solitude Naval Ship, which then would need to be populated by the quest-designer. it would be amazing if there could be actually ship cannons that shoot cannon balls, then I would make a "special interior" that is actually an exterior attached to the ship, which you could see the town from and then use the cannons against the naval troops.

The biggest issue with making this mod is that it would have visible stages in the harbor and while the level design is easy for me, figuring out how to make stages will be something new to learn unless someone can take different saves of the mod and put them into effect. Please let me know how all of this sounds.


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For the quest idea I think I could do most if it apart from the ships burning and stuff. I think this should be the finale quest of the pirate quest line

The burning mast would be a stage, like when Whiterun is attacked. So I would build all the stages, however, I'll have to do some research and experimenting for awhile to figure out how to create stages...as of now it's a mystery to me. If someone has the experience that would be awesome...


As for the quest, can you get someone going on writing some dialogue up? Then we can put the voice actors to work :)

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I think i could do some voice acting... maybe some dialogue writing... is the first message from the courier/pirate written yet? i could try that first... Edited by Th3Duke99088
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