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Bleach Total Conversion


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Didn't read the hideous brick of text (try using the enter key a bit more :P). Just curious, why all the sudden interest in Bleach mods for Fallout 3? :blink: This is.. I think the third request I've seen in as many days.


Ahh, an animu moddin' newb, when will the realize the two don't mix...


As for you, go jump off a bridge. Don't like anime, anime mods, or the people who request them? Stay the hell out of the threads.


it was the same guy going around and bumping old Bleach topics, like this one form a long time ago...




I watch bleach from time to time, but I wouldn't put anything bleach into my game, and deffinatly not spend my time makeing it.




and personally, I think that the whole idea of a total conversion in general is entirely stupid unless you have a ton of expereince behind you and at least a handful of other modders that you can rely on that have a handful of expereince themselves...


And even so, if I was to put that much time makeing a whole new game I would never do it based off someone elses design. I would want to take credit for what I created as opposed to just copying something like bleach...




the only thing I would want from bleach is Byakuya's attack, but that would be immpossible

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I'll go as far as making the Orange haired guy's sword, the one with the Swaztika handgaurd, but that's it.


Are you a Nazi?



And seriously, why do they call it Bleach? It's like instead of translating the title they gave it the English name of the first thing they saw.

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Ok so I have been watching FO3 and TES Nexus and this forum for a while now and have not until recently seen anything from the Bleach universe with pierrejaquets' Haoris and Viperslayers Zanpaktous. Being an immense fan, (all episodes 1-218 and both dvd released movies plus action figs, posters, and a custom made Zabimaru.....I know Im a geek), I would really like to see a full conversion of Fallout 3 done as a standalone that completely remakes the fo3 worldspace into a Bleach universe. Im talking about everything from Soul Society(Seireite to Rukongai) and Hueco Mundo. You would start the game as either a fresh recruit straight from rukongai joining the ranks of shinigami, with all the tests that a shinigami would endure as a recruit in the 13 squads. You would then be assaigned to one of the 13 squads based upon your tests and depending upon which squad you are assaigned to would affect the rest of your experience. Now for those of you evil types you would also be able to choose to start as an arrancar with a very different start to your game, you would have just made the transformation from menos grande and you will have to kill as many other hollow as possible to build yourself into a force to be taken seriously. Once you have reached a certain point in gameplay you will be approched by representatives of Aizen and taken in as a fraccion of an espada. Eventually who knows you may just become an espada or another level of destruction all together......Vasto Lorde. Now I know what you are saying to yourselves, yea yea thats real nice on paper Zoot, but you know what that would take to pull off, yea Im fully aware of the 1 1/2 to 2 years of dedicated work it would take for all the meshers and scripters and texturers and people to make sure its even legal, but I believe that with the levels of superb work that I have seen come out of these sites and the immense Bleach fanbase Im more than sure that a very competent team of modders could get together and put this bad boy together. I am willing to write, provide character artwork for character ideas, and I am proficient with computers although I do not have much more than dirts worth of modding experience. I know this could work and Im willing to go to lengths to see it happen so lets hear some voices of optamism on this folks! Hey buddy a vasto lordes is a type of hollow the top 4 espada are vasto lordes and possibly yammy as he said the numbers go from 0-9 when he releases so learn more about bleach before you get facts wrong
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  • 3 months later...

Not that I like the bleach, it isnt anime that would work well with Fallout. I can see it work more with Oblivion, and in fact I have bleach mods on my Oblivion game. Now if you are going to make character or Cm like Rangiku, Tia Hallibel, Mila-Rose,Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck ect.. I am all for that, more really for that.. Maybe some hair styles. Come to you place, it would be like the playboy wasteland mansion.. wonderful idea really...


Now, if it is on the lines of mechs/gundams or other robotic elements I would say yes they would work with fallout. I would not mind to see Gundam style Power armor that would be very interesting to see.

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Trigun would be easy enough to mod in as far as anime stuff goes.


still if they do a bleach thing the hard part is getting the characters to look right, anime faces in Fallout 3 don't usually mesh terribly well, no pun intended.


still, I'd like to see some Tatsuki.

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I'll go as far as making the Orange haired guy's sword, the one with the Swaztika handgaurd, but that's it.


Are you a Nazi?



And seriously, why do they call it Bleach? It's like instead of translating the title they gave it the English name of the first thing they saw.



The swastika existed long before the Nazi movement subverted it.


As for the name....

Even the title, Bleach, was chosen because he found his first choice, "Black", to be too bland, along with the contrast of "bleach" relating to the color white.


And incidentally I think Bleach content in Fallout 3 is, well, nuts. It'd fit better in Oblivion, and probably would be easier to add to Oblivion as well.

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And incidentally I think Bleach content in Fallout 3 is, well, nuts. It'd fit better in Oblivion, and probably would be easier to add to Oblivion as well.


Whether or not Bleach stuff fits in Fallout 3 isn't the issue though.


The problem is the original request is just way to ridiculously complicated to be moded into the game anyways.



1. Make a stand alone game


2. Make Seireite, Rukongai, and Hueco Mundo


3. 13 different Soul Reaper squads


4. A different game game expereince for each of the 13 squads


5. A completly different story and begining for Arrancar


6. Play as a Menos Grande


7. Espada squads (10 if I remember correctly)



To think that modders could pull off such a feat is just plane laughable.




I have no problem with someone comeing on her and saying "hey, can you make me Kenpachi Zarakis hair from Bleach" or something like that, but asking for people to build you a whole new game is just ridiculous...


I don't even know why people bothered to bump this long dead topic...


In my humble opinion requests like this should be closed and deleted immediatly after being put up. Asking total strangers to build you a weapon or an outfit is one thing, but asking total strangers to build you a brand new videogame is ridiculous and shouldn't be allowed on these forums.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey dude i already requested i small feat from modders wich nobody replyd to positively since they all are better than us wiching for some bleach goodness my request was for somebody to actually make me a custom race to play as and the cm race would be non other than ichigos full hollow form namely vasto lorde form yes you heard right and of course with abilites such as stunning enemies to the ground etc thru his reiatsu etc. using his cero etc.,shunpo etc. you know the deal :( but nobody is gona help us please guys wheres the bleach love,hmm.
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You don't need to keep on begging. Maybe someone is already making it but not ready to post it. Who knows, you might get a surprise that someone actually uploaded such a mod. Miracles do happen. Try out some of the other mods, they might not be as "cool" as bleach but they're still pretty EPIC.
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