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CTD on sleep or wait


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What's the size of your save files? For my very advanced character it's about 4MB, not icluding .obse co-save file. But I have only handfull of active mods, simple texture/model replacers mostly.


My current guy's saves are running 8.8MB (I have some gameplay 'habits' that result in large save sizes). Back when I first ran into the A-Bomb on my original character saves were at less than 3MB.


The A-Bomb is a result of an incremental shift in a bit value in the save file header that happens over time (and number of saves if I recall correctly). Back then I used Animation Fixer and was able to recover that character's save line. My next character used the same solution proactively and never experienced the problem. My latest guy uses Wrye Bash, so that was the solution he started out using, but once EngineBugFixes came out with a permanent fix that was the solution I adopted on his saves.


I'm not convinced the problem is A-Bomb in this case, but it is one of the possibilities that should be considered.

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Ok so it turns out my theory is probably right. Once my save file reaches a certain size it keeps crashing on travel, wait or sleep. I have tried to disable auto save on these actions but I still experience ctd. Is anyone able to help? Im beyond frustrated and fear I have to give up on playing oblivion.


Do you see anything that may indicate the A-Bomb ( jerky or slow opening/closing animated doors and gates or lazy weird flames on torches held by NPCs etc)?


Thanks for your help but i don't think it's an A-bomb. I don't experience anything like you described and when i go to wyre bash and try to click "fix a-bomb" on my save it says there's no a-bomb there.

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With my old argonian characters I too met this A-Bomb bug. I used simple fAnimationMult fix back then and continued playing happily. It seemed not affect stability in any way.


I saw somewhere that problems can arise with saves exceeding 10-14 MB, and I can imagine that she can have ones using so many mods. With such big saves I seen advice to not use quick save and to disable automatic saves for wait/sleep/travel to increase stability and performance of Oblivion and to minimize chance of corrupted saves. But this info is very old, so I don't know if it will be helpfull to her.


Edit: While I was typing this, she responded with about 2.7MB long save. And disabling autosaves didn't work too... I'm sorry, but I haven't more ideas.

Edited by RomanR
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With my old argonian characters I too met this A-Bomb bug. I used simple fAnimationMult fix back then and continued playing happily. It seemed not affect stability in any way.


I saw somewhere that problems can arise with saves exceeding 10-14 MB, and I can imagine that she can have ones using so many mods. With such big saves I seen advice to not use quick save and to disable automatic saves for wait/sleep/travel to increase stability and performance of Oblivion and to minimize chance of corrupted saves. But this info is very old, so I don't know if it will be helpfull to her.


Edit: While I was typing this, she responded with about 2.7MB long save. And disabling autosaves didn't work too... I'm sorry, but I haven't more ideas.

It's ok, I'm out of ideas too so i don't blame you. But thank you for your help, :)

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What form of saving do you use (i.e. quick saves or saves from the Esc menu ... or some other method)?

I just use the Esc menu.



That's the same as me then (I was a quicksave/quickload junkie in my old guy's bad bad days ... because I walked miles into the wilderness I can tend to get preachy about good save habits).


That does bring me back to something that GamerRick brought up on page 1 ... like him I never get two hours at a stretch.


I can't speak for Rick, but in my case I have a pretty good handle on where my modded game's weak points are. When I was building my load order I did extensive testing, especially in cases where I was pushing beyond a mod authors recommended settings. By pushing to find the limits I've been able to find my sweetspots when dialing things back, or in cases where it's been an 'on or off' type situation I at least have a good understanding of how my choices have affected game stability.


The caveat that comes with doing things my way is that it took well over two weeks of 12 hour plus days working through the mod install/test process ... but that was back in April 2014, a full 6661 game play hours ago on my current character. You give away some oranges to get a bushel of apples.

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