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The Huntsman


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OK, so you've navigated your way through the Outer and Inner Rings, defeated Karstaag, and the Hunstman appears to challenge you.


How do you deal with him? Do you choose Strength, Speed or Guile?

I notice the slippery sod reflects magic, so I'm going to have to start from an earlier savegame and arm myself with an awesome normal weapon.


I tried taking him on in werewolf form, but I don't think that was too successful i.e. he wasted me.


In his Strength aspect, it only took a couple of blows to kill me.

In his Speed aspect, I couldn't turn round fast enough to see him, let alone strike him!

I think my best shot will be Guile, but as I said, I'll have to use normal weapons, and maybe go for the ranged weapon option . . .

In fact, I might repossess the set of ebony armour that I loaned to my mercenary in Mournhold, and enchant it all with CE defences!


So what do you guys do?

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I choose the aspect that has the reward that my character needs the most. Guile has a nice spear. Choose him if your character favors spears. Choose speed or choose strength and you will be rewarded with either of those attributes.

All my characters that have finished the Bloodmoon quests have been skilled melee fighters. You need to have your best armor and best weapon to face any of Hircine's aspects. If your character is a werewolf, battle during the day. I think your well equipped human form will stand a better chance.

My character, Osric the Saxon, was my last to face the Hunter. Osric came wearing ebony armor and carrying his three best long swords. He rested and repaired his equipment after defeating Karstaag. Hircine didn't appear until Osric approached the dais at the far end of the room. He chose to face the Aspect of speed since he dislikes spears and is already as strong as most gods.

When Hircine morphed into the antlered lion of speed, Osric quickly got his back to a wall and raised the mighty two-handed Sword of Regar above his head. He let the Aspect come to him. Speed would bound in a circle taunting and tempting Osric to give chase. Osric stood and waited. When the Aspect came close enough to strike, the great sword chopped down. Speed would back off and run around before coming back for more. Osric would use the opportunity to quickly chug an exclusive restore health potion if needed. Each time the Aspect struck, Osric struck back harder. After half a dozen chops to the head the Aspect of Speed was sent back to oblivion.


Here is Osric with Karstaag

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  • 2 weeks later...
I believe I used my werewolf form and did hit-and-run tactics against him -- hit him, then jump onto the broken pillars where he can't get you. Rinse. Repeat.
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