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The Christmas Hat Contest!


The Christmas Hat Contest  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Whose hat is the best??

    • Thor
    • Werne
    • Lisnpuppy
    • Billyro
    • Kool
    • AliasTheory
    • BlackRampage
    • Ironman5000
    • starfis

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I lose, even if I win, I lose. My mother in law came in just an hour ago, from Iran, just to turn Christmas into a nightmare. Even my wife hates when she visits, and she's her mother. I swear, that woman tortures us on purpose. :facepalm:


Ah well, at least my second Christmas will go without her. Thank god for having parents from two different countries with two different religions, means I have two Christmases a year - Catholic tomorrow and Orthodox in January. Awesome. :cool:

Edited by Werne
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Someone doesn't technically have a avatar hat, though she did place it on this thread, but officially hasn't "officially" made it her AV.

the rules do state av's are required to participate in this contest. So we have to wait and see.

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What do you mean it isn't my avatar?

It is the only picture I gots. Not sure how much more official I can be?


Anyway I been cooking and cleaning for two days. My brain is numb and my feet hurt. Happy holidays (and to you twice Werne..you deserve it if your in-law in horrid.)


In the interest of..well...good will....I will remove Bean since it just isn't fair since she is so darn cute.


Bean says Werne should win since she voted for him.


But you all could add another day and make a tie breaker...or just share the glory.


Happy holidays again to you all. I will be back in a few days.

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Okay i will let this go :smile:​


I think this poll could last until new years eve if you want :smile:

Merry Christmas anyways :laugh:

Edited by Thor.
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Someone doesn't technically have a avatar hat, though she did place it on this thread, but officially hasn't "officially" made it her AV.

Yeah, well, it was me who made Virgin Bean wear a Christmas hat with some GIMP magic, see:




I guess ours doesn't count... :tongue:



What can I say, I got too much time on my hands. :D



Fits great, I even tilted it perfectly. :happy:

Edited by Werne
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