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Only game right now I have any hope of being done to a level of expectation is the next Dragon Age. I think (at least I hope) they learned their lesson from the machinegun pace they were releasing titles after Origins. 2 full blown sequels in 5 years - way, way too much for game developers in the todays age to handle.


Might be the only title I'd even consider pre-ordering. The Alpha will need to be solid though.

TBH, I've lost all hope with Bethesda. They'd need to do a complete 180 and get back to their roots - and that would take a title knocking it out of the park first.

Edited by fraquar
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Beth went corporate..... To small degree with Oblivion, to a much greater degree with Skyrim. Appealing to the 'casual' gamers. Given that they are now owned by microsoft..... I don't expect that to change. That said, Starfield has some promise, but, I won't be pre-ordering it.

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Only game right now I have any hope of being done to a level of expectation is the next Dragon Age. I think (at least I hope) they learned their lesson from the machinegun pace they were releasing titles after Origins. 2 full blown sequels in 5 years - way, way too much for game developers in the todays age to handle.


Might be the only title I'd even consider pre-ordering. The Alpha will need to be solid though.

TBH, I've lost all hope with Bethesda. They'd need to do a complete 180 and get back to their roots - and that would take a title knocking it out of the park first.


I loved origins & hated the second. Inquisition was pretty decent again.

The DA2 really felt like a deception. I constantly had this feeling: "Enough with the prologue, start the real story already", but that was the story... I won't be preordering any DA4, but thats something I usually don't. Still, I don't expect it to be a solid game, after that DA2 disaster.


As for Fallout, Hopefully #5 will have an interesting storyline, but not keeping my hopes up.

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They really, really need to take Fallout 5 across the pond.

A global franchise needs to embrace a global audience.

I really don't much care where. UK, France, Czech, China, India, Egypt - don't really care.

Just don't do another "good o'l U.S.of A." location.


Imagine a mutated spotted leopard? Ears back, angry (arguably the best Frontier Airlines tail art there is). Normally they'd just be warning you to back the eff off.

This one? Not even hungry, but you crossed the point of no return - with foam coming out the mouth....

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