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I understand in the past I was a bit over critical and may have bashed the nexus a few times, I'd like to apologize to the staff If i was overreacting. The site still has some issues but i realize i was being immature/impatient. Again I am sorry. I wish everyone a merry Christmas or whichever holiday you celebrate :)
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I'm having issues currently, my account still exists, (I have always been respectful and courteous on the Nexus, and even occasionally helped mod creators with some of their mod issues), yet I cannot access the Nexus unless I go through a proxy. I have heard a few nightmare stories about arbitrary IP bans. If you have done this to me, it was undeserved. Can someone help me out please. Btw I was able to download the version 46.0 mod manager and install it and it accesses the servers as well, but I can't visit any Nexus except the page that lists all the Nexus sites, without a proxy.


The message I get: The requested URL /skyrim/ was not found on this server.


Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Edited by Zaeren
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Sounds more like your DNS servers haven't updated to the new IP addresses of the servers. Since we moved the sites on the 2nd of December there's something very wrong with your DNS setup or your router or your ISP as this should be automatic over 1-24 hours.

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I'm not a moder, just a Nexus-spoiled playing downloader, and to be honest.., I know nada-nuttin' 'bout half of wut is discussed here, imma tech-moron. o.O As that I haven't encountered any probs during these updates and changes, nor while updating the NMM, and I've actually just enjoyed the Nexus getting even better. There is one lil issue tho. I can't seem to endorse the mods I dl'ed and like. Well some work, but most don't. I usually leave the creator a comment, a thanks, but well... it's one endorsement not counting then. Any suggestions as to wut I'm doin' wrong?

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Thx for the Nexus! :)

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I'm not a moder, just a Nexus-spoiled playing downloader, and to be honest.., I know nada-nuttin' 'bout half of wut is discussed here, imma tech-moron. o.O As that I haven't encountered any probs during these updates and changes, nor while updating the NMM, and I've actually just enjoyed the Nexus getting even better. There is one lil issue tho. I can't seem to endorse the mods I dl'ed and like. Well some work, but most don't. I usually leave the creator a comment, a thanks, but well... it's one endorsement not counting then. Any suggestions as to wut I'm doin' wrong?

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Thx for the Nexus! :smile:

If you are trying to endorse a mod from its download page I believe you still have to wait a hour after downloading to do so. If you use the mod manager though you can endorse a mod right away from the mods tab.

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In response to post #10792183. #10802522 is also a reply to the same post.

I agree also that Steam Updates are a real pain, it causes problems such as being unable to load my games, and when eventually I do gain access they do it again and I am back to fixing a way back into the game, *snip*.


Removed your reference to piracy because mentioning such an action on this site is pretty darn stupid considering our zero-tolerance policy on it --Dark0ne.

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Will I'm not sure why it happen I use CClearner just to many cache flow dumping trash ..I had NMM trace report over thousand time, think some of them go back decade after installing another update or attempting new NMM and most time defect happen if to many Installment at same time lol Filehippo CClearner help me, I don't know how to Use Wrye Bash or Boss so confuse so many modder issue overdrive laugh so many time Oops I have this mad then instance freeze CTD Omg what now?.. Had no idea overwrite NMM 0.46.0 with 0.50.weird, I do enjoyed using safe NMM because it clean up my mass Lmao.


I will overwrite 0.46.0 fingers cross.

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